One Heart Protection | Acloudear and SAP Join Hands to Build a Path for Autism Talents

Author:Acloudear , 2023-09-01 17:06   
The SAP Autism Talent Project aims to provide diverse and inclusive training and employment opportunities for people with autism worldwide, helping them integrate into society, realize their potential, and showcase their unique values.


Every soul is a unique star,

Although they flicker in different universes,

But together they make up this infinite universe


2023 marks an important moment for the tenth anniversary of the SAP Global Autism Talent Project. On August 25th, the fifth closing ceremony of the “SAP Autism Talent Employment Preparatory Skills School” was successfully held. Acloudear Network attended the closing ceremony as a teaching partner for the fifth session, witnessing this milestone moment together with SAP.


In this issue, 23 students with autism from 14 provinces/municipalities across the country signed up. Among them, 22 students successfully completed a 10 day online training and obtained certificates jointly issued by SAP, China Jingxie, and Xingyu.



The SAP Autism Talent Project aims to provide diverse and inclusive training and employment opportunities for people with autism worldwide, helping them integrate into society, realize their potential, and showcase their unique values. Since its inception, this project has paved the way for individuals with autism to enter the workplace through training, skill enhancement, and employment support. So far this year, nearly 112 individuals with autism have completed relevant training camp courses or job preparation skills training, and some have successfully entered social employment positions.


Ten years have witnessed the growth of SAP’s autism talent program. As an SAP Platinum partner, Acloudear is honored to participate in this warm and socially meaningful project, witnessing the growth, dedication, and gains of a group of students with autism. By imparting SAP knowledge and skills, providing comprehensive training and guidance, helping students master the required skills, enhance professional confidence, and enhance social competitiveness.


At the ceremony, Ms. Zhou Xiaoling, CEO of Acloudear Network, congratulated the children on their successful graduation with words of care and gratitude.



She said, “Whether I am myself or our company, I have been participating in various public welfare activities and practicing corporate social responsibility. This is the first time I have participated in an autism project, and it is very shocking and touching that SAP has persisted for ten years. Thank you for inviting us to participate.” At the same time, she also inspired the students, There will be regrets in life, and everything has cracks, but that’s where sunlight can shine in. May we illuminate each other and warm each other. Continue to embrace life with your simple kindness. Children, come on


From the SAP digital talent cultivation program to the SAP autism talent project, Acloudear network has always adhered to a deep care and responsibility for society.


Whether in the field of technology assistance or in the practice of social responsibility, we firmly believe that the value of enterprises lies not only in commercial success, but also in positive feedback to society. Just like the SAP autism talent project, we interpret equal opportunities that everyone should enjoy through actions, creating a diverse and inclusive space for autism talents.


Acloudear will always work together with SAP to promote innovation and development of autism projects, pay attention to the population with autism, help more autism talents explore their potential, and continuously improve the employment path of autism talents in China for different age groups in China!

This article "One Heart Protection | Acloudear and SAP Join Hands to Build a Path for Autism Talents" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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