Digital Transformation to Create a Better Future——Acloudear Joins Hands with Enterprise Digital Alliance and Chengdu Branch of Harbin Bank to Hold Enterprise Digital Transformation Summit

Author:Acloudear , 2019-05-10 15:03   
In the next few years, it is an important period for the transition of openness, sharing, and digital economy. In order to comply with the general trend of digital transformation of modern enterprises, on May 9th, the Business Digitalization Alliance of Business School held the digital summit which themed on “How to Digitally Transform Enterprises” in Chengdu.. The summit was hosted by Harbin Bank Chengdu Branch, invited digital experts from all walks of life, industry big coffee, sharing digital transformation experience, and seeking innovative development. Sun Wei,the president of Business School Enterprise Digital Alliance, first delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. He said that current opportunities and challenges for digital development coexist, and expressed his hope and expectations for the summit. As a governing unit of the Business Enterprise Digital Alliance, Acloudear invited several SAP leaders to attend the summit this time, asking them to share typical cases of digitization transformation and provide professional reference for enterprises on how to digitization transformation. Zhang Bin, as the Vice President of SAP China, made a lively speech on how to transform modern enterprises into digital enterprises, conform to the trend of digital trend, and enhance their competitiveness in the modern market. With vivid cases, he showed how SAP can use artificial intelligence to innovate production processes, business models and working methods to help build smart enterprises. At the same time, four sub-sessions of new retail characteristic industries of catering and real estate were set up in this summit, and consultants from […]

In the next few years, it is an important period for the transition of openness, sharing, and digital economy. In order to comply with the general trend of digital transformation of modern enterprises, on May 9th, the Business Digitalization Alliance of Business School held the digital summit which themed on “How to Digitally Transform Enterprises” in Chengdu.. The summit was hosted by Harbin Bank Chengdu Branch, invited digital experts from all walks of life, industry big coffee, sharing digital transformation experience, and seeking innovative development.

Sun Wei,the president of Business School Enterprise Digital Alliance, first delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. He said that current opportunities and challenges for digital development coexist, and expressed his hope and expectations for the summit.


As a governing unit of the Business Enterprise Digital Alliance, Acloudear invited several SAP leaders to attend the summit this time, asking them to share typical cases of digitization transformation and provide professional reference for enterprises on how to digitization transformation.

Zhang Bin, as the Vice President of SAP China, made a lively speech on how to transform modern enterprises into digital enterprises, conform to the trend of digital trend, and enhance their competitiveness in the modern market. With vivid cases, he showed how SAP can use artificial intelligence to innovate production processes, business models and working methods to help build smart enterprises.


At the same time, four sub-sessions of new retail characteristic industries of catering and real estate were set up in this summit, and consultants from SAP also Shared their views in the sub-session of new retail and characteristic industries.

Sun hao, the chief consultant of consumer goods industry with more than 20 years’ experience in enterprise informatization construction and management, delivered a speech on the theme of new environment, new market, new retail and digital technology. He explained how sap innovates new retail and helps enterprises to realize digital transformation of various businesses. He also showed the successful practice of digital transformation of enterprises through the case of retail industry.


Kou Mingjun, a senior program architect of SAP in China, pointed out the main factors restricting the development of digitalized transformation of growing enterprises through his speech on “digitalized transformation of growing enterprises and construction of intelligent enterprises”, and elaborated on the content, development trend, direction and value of digitalized transformation of enterprises and construction of intelligent enterprises in detail. He also showed how SAP plans its enterprise architecture and how to build a smart enterprise in the process of enterprise digital transformation.


Other guests at the conference took part in and expressed their views on the digital transformation of enterprises under the new economic development model. They all said that the digital transformation of enterprises is an inevitable trend, and it is necessary to improve economic efficiency and enhance competitiveness. The key to sex is how to correctly grasp opportunities in a timely manner, achieve digital transformation in combination with its own reality, and maintain innovation.


In addition to the speeches of the guests, there was also an interactive communication session. The scene was full of communication atmosphere and eager to ask questions. After the face-to-face communication, President Sun Wei and chairman Li JianSheng of CDH made a summary and prospect based on the interaction in the sub-sessions.


This Summit aim to help enterprises optimize their development model, integrate advanced digital means into business exploration, accelerate the upgrading and transformation of industrial structure and business, improve service and customer experience, promote the transformation and development of enterprises, build intelligent operation and intelligent manufacturing, compete for new competitive advantages in the digital economy era, and lead the future development of the industry.

This article "Digital Transformation to Create a Better Future——Acloudear Joins Hands with Enterprise Digital Alliance and Chengdu Branch of Harbin Bank to Hold Enterprise Digital Transformation Summit" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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