Machinery industry better ERP, you must have heard of, but not really understand

Author:Acloudear , 2020-11-25 14:48   
Sap, the world’s leading enterprise management application software provider, provides all-round digital transformation and intelligent management support for machinery manufacturing enterprises, making enterprises full of vitality. It sounds understatement. In fact, there is a lot of things inside.

When it comes to the digital transformation of machinery industry enterprises, many managers tend to sprout a kind of copying Psychology: what kind of mechanical industry ERP system does the peer leaders use? Or directly inquire about the better ERP in the machinery industry? In fact, copying peers, copying next door is very easy, but under the real situation suitable for each other must be suitable for themselves? It is estimated that whether the digital shoes fit or not will not be known until it is put on, but sometimes it will be too late to wear. In case it does not fit, is it a pedicure or a shoe repair? It’s a big problem. In fact, the mechanical industry better ERP, some you have heard of, some have not heard, but it does not prevent us from finding the one that suits us. Since we want to select a model, we might as well answer a question first.

What do you think is a good ERP?

Whether it is an international brand or a domestic brand, we think that the good reasons are as follows: safe, easy to use, and really able to make the enterprise run and fly. Of course, we can adjust and keep leading in the future, which is even better. Many machinery manufacturing enterprises regard digital transformation as too simple. Some think that if the integration of industry and finance is completed, half of the success will be achieved; some think that if the customer relationship management is good, the enterprise will be in a disadvantageous position; some think that the finance is a little disordered, how to reduce the cost and prevent and control risks from the financial perspective. Or that sentence: no matter the black cat or the white cat, the cat that can catch the mouse is the good cat.

ERP of the top ten machinery industries on the expert list?

As a member of the Bureau, managers of machinery manufacturing enterprises tend to view ERP system and digital transformation of machinery industry from the perspective of enterprise reality. What is the difference between the expert’s perspective and the manager’s perspective on the industry level and the trend of digital transformation? We may as well briefly use the top ten brands list of ERP system in construction machinery industry to understand it.

Better ERP in mechanical industry 1

How many ERP have you heard of in ten construction machinery industry? For example, we are familiar with sap of the world’s top 500, compared with everyone who has heard of the German giant. The first one is not covered. Acloudear, an expert in digital transformation of machinery manufacturing industry, said in the white paper on digital transformation of machinery and equipment manufacturing enterprises in acloudear: 99% of the machinery manufacturing enterprises in Forbes world 2000 are using SAP solutions! Maybe this is the strength to win the throne. How much do you know about that? In this case, we might as well learn about the ERP system of the machinery industry which ranks first.

Better ERP in mechanical industry 2

In a word, tell you the value of SAP!

Sap, the world’s leading provider of enterprise management application software, provides all-round digital transformation and intelligent management support for machinery manufacturing enterprises, whether it is R & D, production, sales, after-sales service, or supply chain management. It sounds understatement. In fact, there is a lot of things inside.

Better ERP in mechanical industry 3

Technology is not enough for ERP digital transformation of mechanical industry

What are the better ERP in machinery industry? After listening to the top ten brands, you still can’t succeed in digital transformation. Most of the reasons are that you don’t understand digital and smart enterprises. When digitization comes into the mechanical industry, the change is not only the phenomenon, but also the thinking of enterprise managers. Only with digital thinking, can we clearly understand what technology is used to transform the enterprise and enable the enterprise. Only with this clear thinking and understanding of technology can we analyze the enterprise and find a suitable machinery industry E Only in this way can RP system transform into a new future.

ERP on machinery industry is not so simple! Companies that want to acquire digital thinking and understand how technology is transforming the machinery industry,

Please search and download acloudear white paper on digital transformation of mechanical equipment manufacturing enterprises

Know yourself and know your enemy, make scientific decisions and win the digital age!

This article "Machinery industry better ERP, you must have heard of, but not really understand" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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