The reason why the medical equipment maintenance management system is not awesome has been found

Author:Acloudear , 2023-03-04 13:41   
Our medical institutions comply with the changes in the digital era and accelerate the adoption of the digital medical equipment maintenance and management system, so as to better serve the operation of medical institutions, reduce the risk of medical accidents, and enhance the core competitiveness.

The maintenance and management of medical equipment is a very important daily management work in medical institutions. As the most critical management content in the whole life cycle of medical equipment, its management effect directly affects the service life and efficiency of medical equipment. Many poor management will directly affect the normal operation of medical institutions, resulting in a series of negative effects such as medical accident risk. Therefore, medical institutions pay more attention to the management and maintenance of medical equipment. Generally, they are also equipped with an information-based medical equipment maintenance management system to improve efficiency and prevent and control safety risks. Even so, more and more medical institution managers still feel that some information-based medical equipment maintenance management systems are becoming more and more difficult and less awesome to use. The main performance is that information is not transparent, data is uneven, manual labor is not only inefficient, but also buries some security risks. In the face of the precise data they expect, scientific analysis and others really dare not expect. In terms of efficient medical operation management, why are some medical equipment maintenance management systems becoming less and less awesome? How to solve such a lot of headache problems?



In this issue, the digital experts of medical equipment maintenance management come to analyze the core reasons for “the medical equipment maintenance management system of medical institutions is becoming less and less awesome”, and provide some cracking suggestions.


Check the scenario that the medical equipment maintenance management system is not awesome


Some of the medical equipment maintenance management systems mentioned above are not awesome, mainly due to the early stand-alone version and localized information-based medical equipment maintenance management system. The scene of Bu awesome mainly refers to the following aspects:



Inaccurate data of medical equipment management and maintenance: the data and information recorded manually by manpower are prone to errors, resulting in inaccurate data and directly affecting the maintenance and management of equipment;


The information of medical equipment management and maintenance is not transparent: although the medical equipment maintenance management system enters the information into the system, the localized network makes the information only circulate in the department and the organization, and cannot be connected with the peer cooperative organizations, and there is an information island;


The efficiency of medical equipment management and maintenance is low: the traditional localized medical equipment maintenance management system has certain limitations. For example, engineers already have other repair and maintenance orders, and the system will only send orders normally, regardless of conflict;


It is difficult to effectively monitor the management and maintenance of medical equipment: although there are records of the repair and maintenance of the equipment, it is difficult to provide the status of the equipment in real time, and it is difficult to conduct comprehensive management and monitoring.


The above only summarizes some scenarios of the medical equipment maintenance management system not awesome from four aspects. In fact, our medical institutions often encounter many problems in the routine medical equipment management and maintenance: poor management leads to cost growth, poor supervision leads to safety hazards, and so on. These are all caused by the failure of the medical equipment maintenance management system to give awesome.


What is the reason why the medical equipment maintenance management system is not awesome?


In the face of a large number of evidence that the medical equipment maintenance management system is not awesome, we must find the core reason why the medical equipment maintenance management system is not awesome, in order to finally solve this problem. In this regard, digital experts in the maintenance and management of medical equipment summarized two core points.


First: Modern medical treatment, including medical equipment management and maintenance, is developing towards a more scientific, standardized and efficient direction. Daily medical equipment maintenance management and medical equipment maintenance management system are facing huge challenges. At the same time, scientific and technological progress has promoted the development of medical care. In order to improve the core competitiveness, major medical institutions have continuously introduced a large number of advanced medical equipment, which has surged in both quality and quantity, causing huge pressure on the equipment management and maintenance of medical institutions;


Second: The medical equipment maintenance and management system itself is also continuously upgrading iteratively. With the integration of digital and cloud storage technology into the modern medical equipment maintenance and management system, the leading medical equipment management and maintenance has become more intelligent. In contrast, the disadvantages of traditional stand-alone, localized and other medical equipment maintenance and management systems have become increasingly prominent.


Find out the core reason why the medical equipment maintenance management system is not awesome, and it will be easier to solve the problem that the current and future medical equipment maintenance management system is not awesome. The digital expert of medical equipment maintenance and management said that the digital medical equipment maintenance and management system became the key!


Advantages of digital medical equipment maintenance management system


The emergence of digital medical equipment maintenance and management system can realize scientific, standardized and efficient maintenance and management of medical equipment for medical institutions. The digital experts in the maintenance and management of medical equipment summarized four core advantages:


Improve quality and efficiency, reduce errors: the digital medical equipment maintenance management system can help the maintenance personnel better understand the situation of the equipment and maintenance history, avoid omissions and errors, improve work accuracy and efficiency, and automate the management process, optimize the error-prone work mode of manual operation;


Real-time monitoring and rapid analysis: The digital medical equipment maintenance management system can not only monitor the operation and health status of medical equipment in real time, find problems and abnormalities in time, early warning and treatment in advance, but also analyze and count the maintenance and operation data of medical equipment, provide basis and reference for equipment management decisions, and optimize the use and maintenance of equipment.


Improve security and information sharing: the digital medical equipment maintenance management system establishes a complete security management system to achieve the security of the whole process, reduce risks, and realize the information sharing between multiple departments and external institutions, improve the degree of collaboration, and optimize maintenance management;


High utilization rate and low cost: the digital medical equipment maintenance management system can reduce the time and labor costs of equipment maintenance and management, improve the service life and efficiency of equipment, and reduce the cost of equipment maintenance.



In summary, the reason why the medical equipment maintenance management system is not awesome is very simple. The new era has comprehensively improved the standardization and efficiency of medical equipment maintenance management, which poses a great challenge to our traditional and localized medical equipment maintenance management system (medical equipment maintenance management system). Our medical institutions comply with the changes in the digital era and accelerate the adoption of the digital medical equipment maintenance and management system, so as to better serve the operation of medical institutions, reduce the risk of medical accidents, and enhance the core competitiveness.


To learn more about the management and maintenance of medical equipment, the maintenance management of medical equipment, and the specific solutions of the medical equipment maintenance management system and the medical equipment maintenance management system, click the following link:


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