What are the advantages of cloud ERP compared with traditional ERP

Author:Acloudear , 2020-01-17 14:25   
Strong digital impact, complex competitive environment, continuous iteration of new ecology No one is not a heavy digital anxiety that needs to be faced in the process of enterprise transformation. When more and more top 500 companies and small and medium-sized enterprise owners drive enterprise transformation through cloud ERP digitalization, they have achieved remarkable results in empowering enterprises, which has caused more and more domestic small and medium-sized enterprises to pay attention to cloud ERP in a new round. So the question is, what is cloud ERP? What’s the difference between cloud ERP and traditional ERP? In the face of this series of questions, it will be difficult for small and medium-sized enterprise owners to choose. In this case, Xiaobian chooses the core problem of “advantages of cloud ERP compared with traditional ERP” to solve the puzzles for the majority of business owners. It is also an enterprise resource management system that comprehensively integrates resources such as sales, procurement, production, cost, inventory, distribution, transportation, finance, talent, etc. to achieve the best combination of resources and the best efficiency of enterprise internal management. Traditional ERP (local ERP) mostly provides localized management and localized operation, while cloud ERP is based on SaaS cloud computing technology. Enterprises can access the cloud ERP system through mobile devices anytime and anywhere to realize the overall operation and management within the enterprise. So what are the advantages of cloud ERP over traditional ERP? We need to consider from six dimensions: cost advantage, system upgrading and improvement […]

Strong digital impact, complex competitive environment, continuous iteration of new ecology No one is not a heavy digital anxiety that needs to be faced in the process of enterprise transformation. When more and more top 500 companies and small and medium-sized enterprise owners drive enterprise transformation through cloud ERP digitalization, they have achieved remarkable results in empowering enterprises, which has caused more and more domestic small and medium-sized enterprises to pay attention to cloud ERP in a new round. So the question is, what is cloud ERP? What’s the difference between cloud ERP and traditional ERP? In the face of this series of questions, it will be difficult for small and medium-sized enterprise owners to choose. In this case, Xiaobian chooses the core problem of “advantages of cloud ERP compared with traditional ERP” to solve the puzzles for the majority of business owners.
yun erp ji cheng

It is also an enterprise resource management system that comprehensively integrates resources such as sales, procurement, production, cost, inventory, distribution, transportation, finance, talent, etc. to achieve the best combination of resources and the best efficiency of enterprise internal management. Traditional ERP (local ERP) mostly provides localized management and localized operation, while cloud ERP is based on SaaS cloud computing technology. Enterprises can access the cloud ERP system through mobile devices anytime and anywhere to realize the overall operation and management within the enterprise.

So what are the advantages of cloud ERP over traditional ERP? We need to consider from six dimensions: cost advantage, system upgrading and improvement speed, system performance, security, accessible compatibility, deployment speed, etc. the advantages of cloud ERP compared with traditional ERP are as follows:

Cost advantage of cloud ERP – more money saving!
Compared with the traditional ERP from software to hardware, server and it personnel, a large amount of upfront and continuous costs for system maintenance and system security. Cloud ERP saves a lot of investment in fixed assets. It is rented by ERP provider, and the other party is responsible for providing IT infrastructure hosting and maintenance services. The initial cost is usually low.

Cloud ERP system upgrade and improvement – keep up to date
Compared with the traditional ERP customization and upgrade, which is limited by the existing configuration, the cloud ERP software supplier will be fully responsible for the customization to real-time update. On the premise of retaining the customization function, we can obtain the most advanced cloud ERP software, which is very flexible and easy to worry about.
qi ye shu  zi hua

System performance of cloud ERP: from design to optimized high performance configuration
Traditional ERP performance report needs to invest a lot of manpower and time cost, and the availability and normal operation time performance of cloud ERP are carried in the high-performance design and performance optimization, and timely feedback.

Security of cloud ERP — security level of bank account
The security level of the world’s leading cloud ERP solution adopts the bank account level, of course, more in line with China’s data security needs. The server must be in China, taking SAP as an example. The traditional ERP security level depends on the resource allocation of IT department.

Cloud ERP is accessible – more compatible
If we compare it to a game, the traditional ERP is equal to the stand-alone game of the LAN in those days, but now the cloud ERP is similar to the hero alliance. As long as it is connected through data, it can be accessed on the computer, and it can be easily compatible with even mobile devices such as mobile phones.
yun erp bu shu

The deployment speed of cloud ERP — from 365 days to 180 days
From hardware to software and other infrastructure procurement, installation and debugging, compared with today’s only need to install it infrastructure, the deployment of cloud ERP has more speed advantage, from the traditional ERP deployment of one year can be reduced to a quarter or even faster one month. Efficient deployment will help enterprises speed up operation and seize the first opportunity. It does not need to spend a long time on the deployment of ERP, so it is easy to deal with various challenges.

There are many advantages of cloud ERP compared with traditional ERP, but we must recognize SaaS of cloud ERP of cloud computing architecture, rather than simply put ERP system on cloud server. For a more comprehensive understanding, you can consult the sap cloud gold partner – acloudear.

This article "What are the advantages of cloud ERP compared with traditional ERP" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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