Something to say to SMEs: Is your customer really God?

Author:Acloudear , 2019-04-27 00:48   
For large enterprises, both business and management models have entered a mature stage. The bigger the bigger and the stronger the stronger is the status quo. On the other hand, vitality and innovation are their advantages. As an important force of the Chinese economy, their development will also play a vital role in the future of the Chinese economy. However, the impact of the global economic environment and pressure from large enterprises have also caused the development of SMEs to face many problems. SMEs need to face the facts and seek a turnaround The growth of small and medium-sized enterprises has benefited from the favorable policies and the environment. In the course of their operation and development, they have the spirit of opening up roads and building bridges across the water. However, behind this spiritual support, companies should always look forward to the future of the industry, analyze the current situation, and adjust the strategic layout and direction of the company’s development at any time. The increasing purchasing power of Chinese consumers has added momentum to the development of SMEs. The favorable environment is the “soil” for the rapid growth of SMEs. However, on the other hand, blind growth and expansion, and the “dominance” of large enterprises have also caused SMEs to face the following problems: · Monopoly is difficult to break, innovation breakthroughs are difficult to find · Digital transformation is coming, and change is caught off guard · Few customer acquisition channels and low customer retention Reduced customer […]

For large enterprises, both business and management models have entered a mature stage. The bigger the bigger and the stronger the stronger is the status quo. On the other hand, vitality and innovation are their advantages. As an important force of the Chinese economy, their development will also play a vital role in the future of the Chinese economy.

However, the impact of the global economic environment and pressure from large enterprises have also caused the development of SMEs to face many problems.

SMEs need to face the facts and seek a turnaround

The growth of small and medium-sized enterprises has benefited from the favorable policies and the environment. In the course of their operation and development, they have the spirit of opening up roads and building bridges across the water. However, behind this spiritual support, companies should always look forward to the future of the industry, analyze the current situation, and adjust the strategic layout and direction of the company’s development at any time.

The increasing purchasing power of Chinese consumers has added momentum to the development of SMEs. The favorable environment is the “soil” for the rapid growth of SMEs. However, on the other hand, blind growth and expansion, and the “dominance” of large enterprises have also caused SMEs to face the following problems:

· Monopoly is difficult to break, innovation breakthroughs are difficult to find

· Digital transformation is coming, and change is caught off guard

· Few customer acquisition channels and low customer retention

Reduced customer loyalty, affecting revenue

For SMEs, competition with large enterprises is a protracted battle. Many small and medium enterprises are fortunate to see the opportunities for their products and services to thrive in the market, and they also clearly understand the significance of acquiring customers and enhancing customer stickiness.


IDC InfoBrief recently released “The Next Step of Digital Transformation: How SMEs Apply Technology to Achieve Key Business Goals” reported that 44.7% to 66.0% of respondents from 13 countries consider customer acquisition the top priority task. Because in the digital world, consumers want to participate and define their own consumption journey.

Let customers love you

To stay healthy and prosperous, businesses must look for new buyers while retaining existing customers.

Luo Zhenyu, the lecturer and founder of the app, said in the New Year’s Eve speech, “In the past, when we mentioned business, the first word that popped out of my mind was” competition. ” And now, before you have time to pose and compete with your competitors, the user has become another species. The theme of the business world in the past was to compete with rivals. The theme of the future business world is to catch up with users. The user is a river, moving forward in Pentium. ”

SMEs must have a “super user mindset” in their treatment of customers. Under the upgrade of consumption, customers have more needs and more choices. Enterprises need a shift from traffic thinking to superuser thinking.


In short, to get closer to customers, the shopping experience must meet the needs of all customers, reflecting their expectations and brand sentiment. That is, you need to make customers dependent on you. This is also a thinking of customer consumption: demand will change, but the brand that you are loyal to is constantly changing according to your own needs, so the cycle of dependence will become longer, It is likely to extend and spread to other consumers.

Regardless of the approach taken, most SMEs may need to make such a change to achieve their goals. Compared with other strategies, starting with customers may be the easier direction for SMEs to achieve.

How to make customers fall in love with you?

Innovate products and keep up with customers’ demands for iterative product changes. Innovative experience, let customers have emotional dependence. How to achieve these two points, or how to get the most intuitive customer needs.

In addition to learning from market research and making improvements to existing business models, appropriate enterprise management technology products and solutions are also needed to support it. The SAP Hybris solution covers five areas: commerce, marketing, revenue, sales, and service, changing the way customers and consumers expect to interact with and transact with businesses. Companies can understand their customers and interact intelligently with them, prompting them to buy products instead of pushing them away and attracting and maintaining customers through “personalized” marketing.


Taking the SAP Hybris Marketing solution as an example, it can fully understand the situation of each customer, allow marketers to fully understand potential customers, attract customers with a unique experience at each stage of the customer journey, and quickly respond to changes in business opportunities and customer needs Out response.

Not only are SAP Hybris products easy to implement, they also integrate easily with your current systems. In addition, the cloud-based system can help SMEs save on local operation and maintenance costs.

The battlefield to acquire customers has evolved into a highly crowded and commoditized market. Your choice will determine the future of your business

“The global standard platform is the only real choice. A unified order management system, a unified content management system, and a unified e-commerce system will enjoy huge cost advantages. SAP Hybris’ solution provides all of these.”

——Pei Lingfei Cosmetics

“We have data to prove that. The original platform was very limited, and by implementing the SAP Hybris solution, we no longer need to hire people to support and help customers solve problems on the platform. In fact, we hire employees to grow our business. ”

——Buffalo (David Buffalo) Denim Clothing

“After using SAP Hybris ?, we are seeing monthly revenue increase. This is so exciting!”

—— Corss casual shoes

“With the help of the iColor website based on the SAP Hybris platform, we have integrated all aspects of the resources of designers, home improvement and home design and consumers, hoping to provide consumers with a higher quality end-to-end overall Design and Services. Meet iHome on iColor ”

-Nippon iColor


This article "Something to say to SMEs: Is your customer really God?" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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