Acloudear network won the championship of the 2022 RISE with BTP competition

Author:Acloudear , 2022-11-04 08:33   
A Smart Summit to Start a New Digital Ecological Journey

The Erhai Lake in October is full of autumn colors and colorful. A smart summit to open a new digital ecological journey has added a touch of gorgeous color to this beautiful town


On October 28, the 2022 SAP BTP Customer and Ecology Summit was successfully concluded in Erhai, Yunnan. Focusing on the three themes of “SAP BTP+New Positioning”, “New Stories+New Wisdom” and “New Ecology+New Value”, the summit gathered many SAP customers and partners to discuss the new future of SAP BTP in the new stage of digital transformation.



Acloudear shared network was invited to attend as a platinum partner of SAP. At the meeting, Mr. Wang Qi, Vice President of the implementation of Siheng Network Consulting, shared the experience of Siheng Network helping customers succeed in digitalization through SAP BTP integration suite, as well as the thoughts and suggestions on the integration suite of Siheng Network in different application scenarios.



He said: SAP BTP is a platform with unlimited innovation potential. Through the powerful integration suite of SAP BTP, we can help customers achieve the integration capabilities of simple use, low cost and rapid deployment, help the implementation of innovative ideas and personalized applications, and make our interactions with customers more diverse, more dynamic, and create more value together. At the same time, with the accumulation of experience in SAP BTP integration suite, the company has also developed a best practice integration suite solution package with company sharing characteristics and covering different application scenarios in different industries, which can help customers realize value quickly.


The final awarding session pushed the summit to a climax. After selection, Acloudear shared network finally won the following awards:


Champion of RISE with BTP Competition in 2022

SAP BTP RISE with BTP Excellence Partner Award



This award witnessed the new value of Acloudear’s sharing network in helping the success of RISE project and enabling enterprise digital innovation through BTP platform, and also highly affirmed the quality of service and delivery of the sharing network. We will continue to work hard to promote cloud innovation by virtue of advanced technology and digital practice in various industries, bring excellent experience to customers, and continue to create value for digital transformation of global customers!



The SAP Business Technology Platform is a new platform for smart enterprises and an innovative platform for SAP to build an ecosystem. Relying on the powerful and flexible integration and expansion capabilities of the SAP BTP platform, with the help of BTP’s advanced integration suite, expansion suite, analysis cloud and other technologies, Acloudear’s company sharing network has successively launched more than ten innovative solution suites with company sharing characteristics, helping our customers achieve outstanding business value and promote continuous innovation. At present, there are 15 innovative app applications in the SAP application store of the company sharing network, which continue to create value for customers at home and abroad!


Acloudear Package


The Acloudear expansion integration package is an innovative solution that will be released on the SAP Store by the company sharing network recently. This is an efficient integration package built on SAP BTP, which can simplify non-standard integration scenarios and SAP S/4HANA Cloud.


This solution package comes out of the box with a pre built configurable template. You don’t have to worry about the fact that the SAP standard API can’t meet the business needs, nor about your insufficient CPI knowledge reserves. You can easily use our innovative solution to complete the connection and integration between multiple sets of SAP cloud products, third-party systems, and Rise with SAP!



The Acloudear extension integration solution package is simple to use, supports user-defined fields or interfaces, prefabricated templates for functions, and is easy to maintain. You can use pre built interface templates to achieve rapid deployment and implementation, help you shorten the project implementation cycle, reduce costs, and meet more personalized needs.


For details, please contact us at 400-690-3218

This article "Acloudear network won the championship of the 2022 RISE with BTP competition" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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