Born for taste for 29 years, there are no difficult dishes in the world

Author:Acloudear , 2023-03-30 22:29   
Under the in-depth application of digitalization and intelligence, we will harvest a highly modern and mature enterprise


The documentary “The Right Taste” once wrote in its opening article, “The vast world, with infinite taste, is ultimately a mutual choice between people and food. The right taste means the right choice.” Throughout history, the harmony of taste has become the essence of thousands of years of Chinese food culture.


From the earliest advocacy of the concept of “composite seasoning” to the “composite seasoning” series of products, leading China’s seasoning from the era of pure soy sauce and vinegar to the era of composite seasoning. From “Chef’s Four Treasures”, “Korean Sauce” to “Punomis” ice cream sauce… it brings customized, standardized, and personalized one-stop condiments and sauces to tens of thousands of food and catering chain enterprises, committed to making the world without difficult dishes!



It is Qingdao Huadi Food Ingredients Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Hodiasflavor”), an innovative century-old enterprise dedicated to becoming “legendary Chinese flavor” and enhancing fragrance!


Twenty nine years

Master Cuisine to Make No Difficult Cuisine in the World


Through careful selection from more than 100 raw material producing areas, the latest technological advancements in Japan, and the repositioning and control of taste, Huadi has been committed to continuously producing master level delicacies over the past 29 years, enriching consumers’ taste buds to enjoy healthy food. Sales channels are densely distributed throughout the country and have expanded to countries and regions such as Southeast Asia, Russia, and Africa, leading enterprises to continuously enter the world stage.



a man should be independent at the age of thirty

Creating global taste requires a unique digital recipe


Today, Huadi is about to enter its thirtieth year of existence. After 29 years of continuous innovation and market expansion, Huadi’s unique flavor of “small stone cellars, master dishes, good materials, good ingredients, and good taste” has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and its products have spread throughout the country and gone global. The ambitious Huadi people, who are fully engaged in the global market, have deep anxiety and anxiety in the face of many realities behind the acceleration of the realization of IPO and the establishment of global taste in their dream year.


Even if product development and innovation continue, and business enters a period of rapid growth, Huadi people who start their business by flavoring may be born with a keen sense of smell.


Today’s market is changing with each passing day. Without excellent management knowledge and accurate information data, it is difficult to seize the opportunity and will eventually be eliminated by the era. Therefore, from the beginning, I have warned employees that in their careers, they should not only practice integrity, but also have a high vision and look at the market and the economy based on the global perspective.

Zhang Yiqin

General Manager of Qingdao Huadi Food Ingredients Co., Ltd


Over the years of focus and ingenuity, it has become today’s single champion and the flower emperor of specialized and innovative enterprises. At the same time, it has also left behind a series of blind spots such as insufficient enterprise maturity and prominent management contradictions.


Business management is relatively extensive, relying only on financial systems and simple warehousing and warehousing systems. A large number of raw materials are overstocked in the warehouse, making it impossible to accurately calculate costs. The production schedule is purely manual, with a large number of orders inserted. The lack of effective interconnection between departments has resulted in a large number of information islands, reducing business efficiency.


On the one hand, the future multi organization and global layout of the enterprise will accelerate the IPO process, while on the other hand, the maturity of the enterprise is insufficient and needs to be improved. The Emperor of Flowers knows well that in order to establish global taste in the first year of life, one must seek a good recipe. Reconcile the contradiction between ideals and reality, enhance the maturity of the enterprise, speak with numbers, realize the digital transformation of enterprise management, and enhance the potential of enterprise development.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition (SAP ERP public cloud) not only fully supports the business needs of Huadi, but also continuously optimizes Huadi management and further improves personnel efficiency by combining SAP best business practices and biannual system upgrades.


Huadi’s management quickly locked in the SAP ERP public cloud, and firmly believed that with the strong support of the global management guru’s SAP ERP public cloud, SAP Platinum Partners’ high-quality online consulting services are very “compatible” with the sustainable development of Huadi in the future, which can help them complete their digital transformation journey quickly, flexibly, and conveniently.



Master level “Fengwei” boosts the new journey of Huadi’s globalization


Twenty nine years of trials and hardships, the taste of which is deeply buried in the hearts of the Huadi people. Now, there is no time to wait, and it is urgent to break the traditional management model of enterprises and reshape the “competitive edge” of the new era. Master level digital applications become the key. When “master flavoring brands” and “management masters behind the top 500 companies in the world” converge, a journey of “sharp taste” of digital transformation begins.


Only by understanding the Emperor of Flowers can we achieve the unique taste of “who will compete with him?”. In response, Acloudear’s in-depth brand strategy focuses on global markets, IPO goals, and other business strategies, integrating SAP’s globally leading management philosophy, and customizing a set of “three horizontal and one vertical” digital strategies for Acloudear. By combining the comprehensive implementation of SAP ERP public cloud, it brings a unique “edge” to Huadi’s business efficiency that is efficient, flexible, and convenient.




Focus on “digital channel marketing”, “intelligent manufacturing&flexible supply chain”, and “highly integrated industry and finance” to achieve comprehensive, standard, standardized, and unified digital management of collectivization and industry and finance integration, significantly improving the management maturity of enterprises.


A vertical column

The digital base, based on SAP ERP public cloud+OA, vertically penetrates digitization throughout the entire business chain, allowing it to flow and become an asset, highly empowering business and decision-making.


From strategic blueprint, management process optimization, solutions, and online preparation, it took 6 months, 80+research and meetings, 3 user trainings, and 75 business processes optimization. In order to sharpen the maturity of the enterprise, even during the peak of the epidemic in December, Sixiang Network and Huadi jointly adhered to the positions of transformation and transformation. Finally, with the unremitting efforts of SAP, Sixiang Network, and Huadi, Huadi successfully achieved a comprehensive digital transformation from business finance to production, supply chain, and sales to group management. Let Huadi be more able to embrace IPO and face future market changes.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud has taken an important step towards Huadi’s management and development, refining its work to enable high-quality and efficient development and operation of modern and digital enterprise management.

Zhang Yiqin

General Manager of Qingdao Huadi Food Ingredients Co., Ltd


Zhang Yiqin sighed: Only by starting from the “original flavor” (business standard) and looking to the times and future to find a solution to the lack of enterprise maturity can we empower the future, enable a flexible, efficient, resilient, and efficient Huadi to better serve thousands of food and beverage enterprises, and establish a global taste in the future.


The digital transformation of Huadi is not only a journey to seek “taste”, but also a blend of “taste” and “Tao”, leading it to a delicate balance from traditional natural development to strategic development and transformation. There are contradictions, pains, and changes visible to the naked eye. With the in-depth application of digitalization and intelligence, we can harvest a highly modern and mature enterprise and experience the different “flavors” brought by Huadi together:


◆ Integrating industry and finance, achieving closed-loop management of the complete business chain, and meeting future standard and standardized IPO requirements;

◆ Fine finance, achieving comprehensive and refined financial management, making costs and profits more clear and intelligent, meeting IPO requirements;

◆ Supply chain optimization, comprehensive connectivity from intelligent production to sales and logistics, and efficient collaboration in the supply chain through information and data connectivity. Flexible supply chains accelerate response to changes and improve rapid response to customers and the market;

◆ Marketing upgrade, real-time monitoring of omnichannel sales data, more efficient and accurate analysis of sales data, conducive to scientific decision-making, and transparent and efficient management data for distributors.


29 years, born for taste

Standing at 30, Preserving, Breaking, and Building Global Taste

In a century-old journey of contemplation

Enjoy the Road of Digital and Taste Chinese Treasures

SAP Joins Hands with Huadi to Create a Nutritional and Healthy Diet Culture

Writing Legends with Chinese Taste

Continuously improving people’s quality of life

This article "Born for taste for 29 years, there are no difficult dishes in the world" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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