Acloudear x Chipone.: Breaking through Enterprise Process Automation and Accelerating Global Business Leap

Author:Acloudear , 2024-05-27 06:36   
Acloudear uses technological empowerment to help Chipone maintain agility and efficiency amid the rapid development of global business, and achieve the strategic goal of “more, faster, better and more cost-effective”

Acloudear, in collaboration with SAP and INTSIG, has successfully deployed sales support automation solutions for Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co, Ltd. based on the SAP ERP system, creating an efficient order processing automation engine and laying a solid fast lane for the rapid and sustainable development of its global business.



In recent years, driven by the wave of artificial intelligence and digitization, the global demand for high-performance semiconductor chips has sharply increased. Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co, Ltd. has stood at the forefront of business growth with its strong shipping capabilities and competitive star products.


In order to better control production manufacturing and financial data, Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co, Ltd. has chosen SAP ERP system and successfully created an efficient business communication and digital operation platform, providing stable guarantees for subsequent business growth and company development.


Under the surge in orders, traditional sales and supply chain processes are becoming increasingly inadequate. The large amount of repetitive labor in the order processing process has become a bottleneck that restricts development, especially when it comes to personalized customization and various domestic and foreign order formats containing PDF or images, traditional manual processing methods become increasingly inefficient and error prone.



From reviewing quotations, issuing quotations, building contracts, to establishing and communicating various unique requirements, it takes a lot of time and manpower to complete. The company urgently needs a more powerful automation system to cope with business expansion and product diversification strategies.



SAP Build Process Automation Breaks Through

Overcoming the Difficulties of Automation


Faced with this dilemma, SAP Platinum Partner Acloudear Enjoyment Network has tailored a sales automation solution for Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co, Ltd..


On the basis of the original SAP ERP system, we successfully deployed the SAP Build Process Automation solution for Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co, Ltd., combining the inherent functions of SAP Build Process Automation with the complex requirements of the production scenario, and creating an automated process that directly connects with ERP.


In response to the diverse format of company orders, Sixiang Network and INTSIG have established multiple dedicated OCR models based on customer company order layout patterns, and integrated SAP Build Process Automation with their own OCR services, enabling different types of order images to be quickly converted into usable data.


SAP Build Process Automation regularly polls the file directory, automatically submits it to the OCR cloud platform for processing, and verifies the data in conjunction with the SAP ERP system.

This technological breakthrough enables orders in both PDF and image formats to be quickly converted into structured data, which can then be submitted to the cloud for efficient processing through an automated polling mechanism.


What is even more remarkable is the complexity of customer information retrieval, Acloudear, in collaboration with SAP experts and INTSIG, has assisted the Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co, Ltd. team in achieving a breakthrough in adapting a customized retrieval system to unique needs, solving the long-standing problem of fuzzy queries in the industry and greatly improving query accuracy.



Continuous release of automation dividends

Accelerate the high-speed takeoff of business


Now, with the help of SAP Build Process Automation, Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co, Ltd. has achieved automation in order processing, including order file polling OCR recognition, data validation, and primary contract creation significantly improve processing efficiency and reduce errors.


This plan not only reduces the duplicate labor burden of sales support and supply chain teams, reduces overtime situations, but also enables employees to focus on higher value tasks, such as sales data analysis, thereby enhancing the human resource efficiency of the enterprise.



The automation practice jointly promoted by Acloudear, SAP, and INTSIG has laid a broad path for the full dimensional process automation of Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co, Ltd..


Nowadays, from financial processes to purchase orders, Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co, Ltd. is gradually integrating more business processes into the automation track, accelerating the deepening of its digital strategy, and providing support for future in vehicle display chips Innovation in emerging fields such as SoC chips provides strong support.


Acloudear empowers with technology to help Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co, Ltd. maintain agility and efficiency in the rapid development of global business, achieve the strategic goal of “more fast, better economy”, and jointly witness and participate in Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co, Ltd.’s leap from technological leadership to market leadership!


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This article "Acloudear x Chipone.: Breaking through Enterprise Process Automation and Accelerating Global Business Leap" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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