Acloudear x Sika Philipines: Successfully launched SAP Cloud ERP, realizing the vision of integrated control at headquarters

Author:Acloudear , 2024-05-27 06:52   
Strengthen the integrated management of corporate finance and business processes at the group level

Not long ago, the Sika Philippines SAP Cloud ERP project, managed by Acloudear Sixiang Network, was successfully launched, Acloudear helped Sika Philippines successfully implement the SAP Cloud ERP system, complete the integration with the headquarters system, and officially integrate into the group’s globally unified digital management framework.



In recent years, Sika Group is vigorously promoting the popularization and integration of SAP system in its extensive business layout spanning over 100 countries and regions worldwide, aiming to strengthen the integrated management of enterprise finance and business processes at the group level, accelerate seamless business cooperation between the group headquarters and various subsidiaries, and improve decision-making efficiency and market response speed.


As the opening work of Sika’s global SAP Rollout project in the Asia Pacific region, The successful launch of Sika Philippines’ SAP Cloud ERP project is particularly noteworthy.


The SAP Cloud ERP project of Sika Philippines was launched in July 2023, Acloudear collaborated closely with Sika’s Philippine team to overcome language and cultural differences as well as localization implementation barriers in multinational projects. Over the course of more than eight months, through meticulous planning, in-depth business analysis, and rigorous testing, the SAP Cloud ERP system was ensured to be smoothly launched and put into production.


Through SAP Cloud ERP solution, Acloudear helped Sika Philippines successfully complete a deep integration with the headquarters system, bidding farewell to the old model of independent operation and financial reporting of branch offices, and successfully integrating the financial and business processes of the Philippines branch into the group’s unified SAP system.


This transformation not only breaks down information barriers, but also effectively bridges the differences in business processes. By integrating financial reporting processes, it enhances the integrated control level of financial business in group enterprises.


While maintaining headquarters standards, The Acloudear team has also developed a targeted BIR reporting feature, allowing the system to directly generate reports that comply with Philippine tax regulations. And it is directly connected to the tax system, allowing for one click completion of tax declaration, withholding and payment processes, greatly improving tax compliance efficiency.


1、Integrated Group Control:The launch of SAP Cloud ERP enables Sika Philippines to synchronize data with headquarters in real-time, enabling real-time sharing of sales orders, financial reports, and inventory management, greatly enhancing the group’s business and financial integrated control capabilities;


2、Process standardization and optimization: By introducing standardized business process templates from headquarters, Sika Philippines has effectively reduced cross regional process differences, standardized operating procedures have not only simplified employee training, but also improved business processing speed, and improved consistency and collaboration with headquarters business processes;


3、Localized innovation:Targeted development of BIR reporting function, the system can directly generate tax reports that meet local requirements, directly connect with the local tax system, simplify tax declaration and other processes.



The successful launch of the SAP Cloud ERP system at Sika Philippines has set a benchmark for SAP implementation in the Sika Asia Pacific region.


Acloudear,  As a trusted partner of Sika, we will continue to deepen our cooperation and unwaveringly expand this successful model to more subsidiaries such as Mongolia, Cambodia, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka for digital transformation and upgrading, accelerating the grand process of Sika’s global integration!



This article "Acloudear x Sika Philipines: Successfully launched SAP Cloud ERP, realizing the vision of integrated control at headquarters" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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