ERP software for mechanical production, SAP software will be the first choice?

Author:Acloudear , 2020-09-25 13:29   
More than 90% of the global machinery manufacturers in the latest Fortune 500 and Forbes 2000 use sap to manage their daily business, with more than 12200 customers in the global machinery manufacturing industry. In China, most of the leaders in machinery manufacturing industry use SAP as the core system of their business operation.

The wave of digitization is pouring into all walks of life. As a “manufacturing power”, the mechanical manufacturing industry, which is related to the development of national economy and national defense construction, is undergoing a digital transformation from technology to enterprise. In the digital transformation of catching up with the pace of industry 4.0, the winners are cheering and many manufacturers are competing for the best. The corresponding is: many mechanical production enterprises are still hovering, mechanical production ERP software, who will be their first choice? Some people say that domestic gas is more grounded and the price is cheaper. Some people say that choosing international brands is more in line with the globalization trend of future enterprise development. Some people say that a small investment can be selected randomly They often ignore an important fact: choosing wrong is more terrible than not choosing! This may be the real reason for the stagnation of machinery production enterprises. Of course, there is a saying in the market: mechanical production ERP software, SAP software is the first choice! In this case, we may as well help you to verify it.

What are the objective facts?

The white paper on digital transformation of machinery and equipment manufacturing enterprises released by acloudear, a digital transformation expert in the manufacturing field, contains the fact that “among the latest Fortune 500 and Forbes 2000 global machinery manufacturers, more than 90% of enterprises use sap to manage their daily business, and have more than 12200 customers in the global machinery manufacturing industry. In China, most of the leaders in the machinery manufacturing industry use SAP as the core system of their business operations. ”

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The first choice of the world’s top 500 and 2000, do you want to follow suit?

It has been proved that sap is the first choice of global machinery manufacturing enterprises. What about you! I’m not here to encourage you to follow suit. As business managers, of course, you have your own judgment: what kind of scale your enterprise is in, the direction of its future development, and the investment in digitalization, etc. Therefore, whether it is internal or external, you must keep in mind, know yourself and know the other. In the face of the digital boom, you can not be confused and be able to handle it.

Why did they choose SAP first?

You may ask, how can sap help them? In a word, whether it is R & D, production, sales, after-sales service, or supply chain management, SAP provides all-round digital transformation and intelligent management support for machinery and equipment manufacturing enterprises, making them full of vitality. Is it a space hole? Let’s do something practical.

| SAP mechanical manufacturing ERP can be a strategic priority

What are strategic priorities?

Driven by industry 4.0 and digital wave, traditional machinery manufacturing industry and even manufacturing enterprises have great opportunities, but at the same time, they are also facing the threat brought by new market entrants. So they must focus on the appropriate strategic priorities to drive the digital transformation of the enterprise.

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| Intelligent manufacturing with SAP understanding and construction

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SAP uses a new generation of cloud ERP to provide the most complete intelligent manufacturing solution for mechanical equipment manufacturing enterprises, which can help enterprises realize the seamless integration of their machine physical world and business operation system. Realization: intelligent design, intelligent planning, intelligent production and Intelligent Asset network can help mechanical equipment manufacturing enterprises realize the digital link of the whole supply chain, comprehensive real-time data, embedded intelligent application, and help customers make decisions more quickly and scientifically.

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In fact, for the future development trend and challenge of machinery manufacturing enterprises, SAP cloud ERP is the core of digitalization, from small and medium-sized enterprises such as finance, CRM, human resources, projects, procurement, supply chain, production and Bi to the core business of the group, providing integrated end-to-end business solutions for large and medium-sized enterprises, which can effectively help enterprises realize the construction of digital enterprises under the guidance of “made in China 2025” strategy.

To fully understand the digital transformation of mechanical production / manufacturing enterprises,

Please search and download acloudear white paper on digital transformation of mechanical equipment manufacturing enterprises

From architecture to details, a clear blueprint for digital transformation of machinery manufacturing enterprises under industry 4.0 will be launched.

Help enterprises surpass competitors!

This article "ERP software for mechanical production, SAP software will be the first choice?" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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