Must excellent chip company performance management start from enterprise strategy?

Author:Acloudear , 2022-09-09 16:27   
Only by achieving or even exceeding the expected personal and organizational goals can the enterprise accelerate its development.

Performance management of chip companies is a double-edged sword. If properly managed, it can give full play to everyone’s subjective initiative, continue to contribute to the company, and thus accelerate innovation and development; If the performance management is unreasonable, it is easy to cause low morale within the enterprise, and even the loss of personnel, affecting the development of the company. Therefore, both chip companies and chip agent companies are generally concerned about how to supervise the performance management implementation process in real time, but often many chip companies do not know the performance implementation until the middle of the month, the end of the month, the end of the quarter or even the end of the year, which completely lags behind. It is said in the industry that excellent performance management of chip companies often starts from enterprise strategy. It’s true?



In this issue, Sixiang network, an expert in digital transformation of chip semiconductors, shared with you whether excellent “performance management of chip companies” must start from enterprise strategy.


Let’s first understand: performance management of conventional chip companies


The performance management of most chip companies often starts from a set of performance evaluation mechanism. In order to match the performance management of the company, the performance management of chip companies is usually carried out in the performance management system of chip companies, so as to evaluate the performance of individuals and organizations. For example, although many of our chip agency performance management systems are online, many information exchanges still rely on human beings. They exist independently of other business departments and are separated from the business. Such chip agency business data feedback is difficult to synchronize with the system in real time. Writing and collaboration by human beings is often lagging, and is often subject to human subjective influence.


Of course, there is also an important problem: in the performance management of conventional chip companies, in the face of market changes, after the strategic adjustment of enterprises, the KPI assessment decomposed from the strategic objectives must be adjusted synchronously, so as to match the objectives and performance assessment of individuals and organizations. These are relatively backward and not timely in our traditional performance management system of chip companies.


Performance management of excellent chip companies, starting from strategy


Now let’s return to the beginning topic: must excellent chip company performance management start from enterprise strategy? The answer is yes! Why do you say that? We understand the relationship between performance management and corporate strategy of chip companies through a chart.



This is the logical relationship between enterprise strategy – organizational performance – personnel performance outlined for us by SAP, which has 9 selected systems and solutions among the top 10 semiconductor enterprises in the world. The existing enterprise strategy is the overall goal of the enterprise, and then it is broken down to the organization (our department), and then the Department is broken down to the Department and the individual employees. Performance management of chip companies is the process and result of target implementation from individual to organization.


Chip company’s performance management plan, from strategy to implementation, is practically integrated into the business


Since performance management of chip companies is a whole process control from strategy to implementation, what kind of solutions will sap bring us? Let’s have a deeper understanding through the following figure.



SAP chip company’s performance management program provides closed-loop management of enterprise performance. Through business analysis and planning best practices involving digital technology, it builds an integrated cloud digital performance management platform that links strategy, business planning, financial budget, rolling forecast, analysis and decision support, and helps chip companies effectively integrate performance management into business from strategy to execution, so as to achieve excellent operation to excellent management.


Chip company performance management scheme, synchronous collaboration and interaction in the process


The performance management implementation process of chip companies is difficult. How can sap chip company’s performance management solution solve this situation? Integrating into the business, synchronizing in the business, coming from the business and going to the business is the best performance management.



Through real-time synchronous collaboration and interaction in the business, it helps chip companies achieve full process supervision in performance management. So as to realize a virtuous cycle from individual to organizational performance. The structure is like this. Let’s see how to implement performance tracking and other details through the following figure.



To be honest, performance management has always been a means, not an end, for both chip agents and chip companies. What is the purpose? Only by achieving or even exceeding the expected personal and organizational goals can the enterprise accelerate its development. So, what if the process is not ideal? Don’t worry, the performance coaching in the performance management system of SAP chip company is designed to provide performance coaching for individuals and organizations, so as to ensure the achievement of performance.



The above is what we share with you today. The design concept of the performance management system of an excellent chip company is based on the enterprise strategy, synchronous cooperation and interaction in business, so as to effectively monitor the process and coaching process, and ensure the achievement of performance. Instead of waiting for the outcome of unsatisfactory performance. There are still many excellent solutions for performance management of chip companies. For a comprehensive and systematic understanding, please visit the official website to learn more .


We look forward to helping our company to achieve excellent performance management and make great strides forward as soon as possible.

This article "Must excellent chip company performance management start from enterprise strategy?" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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