Why is the chip quality management system of some chip companies not ideal?

Author:Acloudear , 2022-09-09 16:27   
The quality control of real-time supply chain is the key

Using chip quality management system to improve chip quality is the basis for all companies in the chip industry chain to survive. Once the product quality is unstable and there are problems, the customer’s impression will be affected, and the customer’s loss will be compensated and the industry reputation will be lost. Especially in the current era when the market is extremely short of cores, the quality is not stable due to tight production capacity, which will become an important hard wound for chip enterprises. Well, our chip factories and chip enterprises are trying to change this situation by every possible means, trying to improve production efficiency while strictly controlling chip quality, but it is really difficult to rely on labor alone. Therefore, adopting the quality management system of chip factories has become a common consensus and action. But in reality, after some chip companies adopt the chip quality management system, the yield is improved, the efficiency is improved, and even the cost is reduced. But other chip factories are not satisfactory. Why is this situation?



In this issue, chip semiconductor digital transformation experts share the network to reveal the little secret of the quality management system of chip factories in the “chip company quality management system”.


Chip quality management system in most factories

As a high-tech branch of chip and semiconductor enterprises, almost all chip factories have their own quality management systems and systems. Although the process of the chip company’s quality management system is very clear, the chip quality management system is relatively independent. In the process, the information transmission between each other is mainly completed by manpower, and the real-time communication with various links in the business, such as design, production and procurement, cannot be realized. In this way, once there is a problem in a link, such as the interruption of the supply chain, the original raw materials can not be purchased, and if other raw materials are used, the quality will often be affected. That is to say, many of our chip factories’ quality management systems fail to achieve coordination with the internal business departments and external supply chains of the enterprise, so it is difficult to cope with sudden changes, thus affecting quality.


Ideal quality management system for chip factories

What is the quality management system of a relatively ideal chip factory at present? Let’s look at the leading domestic signal chain chip and its solution provider, nano chip micro. The quality management system of the chip factory they use is a method of participating in real-time process quality control in the whole process. Quality indicators are formulated from the beginning of product definition and design, and then the data of the whole production and testing process are pulled through by digital means. Quality process control is achieved through the inspection, analysis and judgment of real-time data. Whole process, real-time, throughout the whole product life cycle, digitalization, real-time viewing, analysis and judgment have become the core keywords. In short, through digital technology, the whole process quality management from design to delivery of chip companies can be achieved.


In fact, the chip quality management of today’s leading chip factories is inseparable from the digital chip quality management system. We may as well learn more about this through the SAP system adopted by 9 of the world’s top 10 semiconductor enterprises.



With nearly 50 years of experience, sap has successfully served many chip and semiconductor enterprises worldwide in their digital transformation and accumulated many best business practices in the field of chips and semiconductors. Let’s take a brief look at the excellent solutions of chip factory quality management brought by sap through the following figure.



The whole process and comprehensive quality management from sales opportunities to services brought by SAP enable us to effectively control and exchange information in every link of chip quality management, so as to prevent and control risks and provide a basis for subsequent chip quality analysis and decision-making. In fact, the chip quality management solutions brought by SAP are far more than these.



The chip quality management scheme brought by SAP for chip enterprises realizes comprehensive collaboration in a digital system of the supply chain: meets the quality control requirements of customers for key parts; Control the supplier’s production process data in real time and establish a real-time SPC quality control system; It realizes a real-time communication platform with suppliers, establishes a multi-dimensional analysis model of big data through cross organizational workflow collaboration, and realizes trend prediction and real-time warning. Through the above figure, we can briefly understand the specific benefits brought by SAP chip quality management system for chip companies’ quality management.



Just like the title above, quality control of real-time supply chain! This is the key, saying goodbye to the traditional mode of simply controlling chip quality from all aspects of R & D and production, so as to achieve the final yield. But with the help of digital technology, it covers the whole business process and supply chain system, so as to achieve more comprehensive quality management.


As mentioned above, we only have a brief understanding of the concept, architecture and detailed control methods of today’s leading chip quality management system from the chip quality management system brought by SAP. In fact, we still have a lot of dry goods about the chip quality management system that we can not share one by one, such as how to build a closed-loop quality treatment and preventive quality treatment, and improve the quality level from the root problem.


For more excellent solutions of chip quality management system, visit the official website to learn more.

This article "Why is the chip quality management system of some chip companies not ideal?" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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