What is the whole implementation process in SAP project?

Author:Acloudear , 2023-02-10 15:11   
SAP project implementation process steps include the following stages: project preparation, business blueprint, implementation, final preparation and online support.

SAP provides process-oriented, clear and accurate implementation roadmap for independently implemented projects. The roadmap of SAP implementation process plays the role of project guide, which is used to determine the steps, define the turning point, and generally set the schedule of the whole project, so that the optimal budget and resources can be used to quickly and high-quality generate a new system. After understanding the general role of SAP implementation process, you will also consider which implementer to choose.


Acloudear enjoys the network as a platinum partner of SAP (one of the only two platinum companies in China)

Focusing on cloud ERP and CRM in the past ten years, it has won unanimous acclaim from domestic and international customers and provided SAP cloud solutions in auto parts, medical devices, high-tech, e-commerce, equipment manufacturing, professional services and other industries. Adhere to the concept of “rapid implementation, enabling customers to benefit from the cloud as soon as possible”.


SAP officially pointed out that “Platinum-level partners are SAP’s most strategic global cooperation organization. To advance to the platinum level, partners must obtain the invitation of SAP and have a business case reviewed and approved by the SAP Executive Committee. To cooperate with our platinum-level partners is to cooperate with SAP’s largest and most authoritative partner.”


SAP project implementation process steps include the following stages: project preparation, business blueprint, implementation, final preparation and online support.


1.Project preparation stage


The project preparation stage is mainly to establish the project organization, including the project team, roles and responsibilities. This stage determines the objectives of system implementation. It is also necessary to determine the basic structure of the project, including hardware and network elements. Execute the scale and indicators of the formal installation, and initialize the SAP system.


1.1 Define project objectives and scope

The tasks and objectives of SAP project must be consistent with those of the company in the next 3-5 years. The important responsibility of the Steering Committee is to determine the implementation scope of the SAP project. SAP recommends the “Big Bang” approach, that is, the company implements most of SAP’s standard functions and industry-specific solutions for the company at one time. Only through the “Big Bang” method can companies use the information obtained from SAP system as a resource, such as human resources, materials and funds, rather than treat SAP as a record and report system. The real advantages of a comprehensive system can only be truly reflected when all the implementation points and office businesses of the company are running on the SAP platform.


1.2 Determine project organization and resources

Establish the project resource plan. The project resource requirements include the following points: allocate and pay the financial budget at the appropriate stage; Obtain and equip relevant system hardware, software and network system according to the plan; Select business backbones, who are the main members of their department, and are appointed as members of the functional team. They are entrusted with the task of comprehensive debugging and training for the end users of the system;


1.3 Define risk control strategy

SAP implementation project is the implementation of a standard software package. The main risks include: lack of appropriate resources; Lack of clarity, completeness and clarity on the implementation scope and system functions; Requirements acquisition and analysis understand the functions provided by the SAP system,


Functional gap assessment and analysis Correctly configure and customize SAP system; For the comprehensive test and data risk of SAP system, especially the accuracy of various master data, the above possible risks can be controlled by formulating effective risk control strategies.


1.4 Preparation of project plan

Establish the project work plan: the project manager prepares the main work plan of the project, including the completion time of each stage and the main work products to be submitted. Establish project team training plan: system training for key users and end users.


1.5 Project startup

Generally, the project is officially launched by a kick-off meeting, which is attended by managers, members of the control committee, SAP consultants and team members. At the project kick-off meeting, introduce the objectives of the project, the organizational members and responsibilities of the project team and the main work plan of the project.


1.6 Project training

The module consultant shall carry out the project team training according to the training plan.


1.7 Preparation of development and testing machine system

Install the development machine and test machine system, and install the SAP desktop login system for all project team members.


2.Blueprint design stage


SAP project implementation, business blueprint stage mainly deals with the archiving and final determination of requirements. The team members and consultants conducted interviews in different areas of business activities and held project seminars to obtain the identified needs of each business process. Any difference between current business and future business must be identified, and appropriate solutions must be found and designed. The final output of this stage is the enterprise blueprint document, which describes the process after design in detail, including the text and graphic description of the company structure and business process. Once all this information has been identified and verified, the blueprint can be used as the basis for all subsequent stages.


2.1 AS-IS business process survey

Develop a research plan, determine the time and participants of the research, and output the following documents: research plan;


Set the survey outline, set the content of the survey according to the position of the interviewees, and output the document: survey questionnaire;


Carry out business research, interview the personnel at the post according to the research plan, understand the business status quo and the management objectives expected to be achieved in the future, and output documents: meeting minutes;


Complete the business survey document, sort out and form the company’s AS-IS current business document according to the interview content, and output the document: current business flow chart, current status report, including the following contents: the existing system’s landscape, organizational structure, current status business flow chart, collected status reports, forms, business master data status, etc;


2.2 TO-BE business process design

According to the current business and future management expectations, organize cross-module discussions, prepare the TO-BE business process report, and then discuss the future business process in the module group, and then submit it to the Steering Committee for review; Output document: TO-BE business blueprint document. The future business process document includes the following contents: determine the organizational structure of the future system, such as setting the company code, cost control range, profit center, cost center, factory, warehouse, sales organization, purchase organization and other organizational structures. Prepare business process documents, set how the future business process flows between departments, and how documents are controlled.


2.3 Confirmation of development requirements

In the process of discussing and preparing the business blueprint, if the business needs to be developed are involved, it is necessary to confirm the development needs of each module and output the document: development plan.


2.4 Master data collection scheme and plan

Discuss and confirm what master data needs to be collected, as well as the collection content and plan of master data, output documents, master data collection template and master data collection plan.


2.5 Reporting and signing of business blueprint

After the business blueprint is prepared, it will be discussed and improved within the module, then cross-module discussions will be organized, and finally the business process will be reported to the steering committee. Output document: TO-BE document signature document.


3.Implementation stage


The goal is to use IMG and configure the system based on enterprise blueprint documents. In addition, you need to define data import strategies, import procedures, and develop reports.


3.1 System configuration

System configuration strategy, determine the system configuration transmission strategy, determine the development machine, test machine, production machine, etc.


System configuration: The module consultant configures and tests the system according to the requirements of the business blueprint. The output document is the system configuration document.


3.2 Testing

Unit test: After the system configuration is completed, the unit test phase can be entered. The unit test is performed by key users. The output documents are: unit test documents, unit test problem record sheets;


Integration test: after the unit test is completed, the cross-module integration test will be carried out. The consultant will plan the integration test case scenario. The integration test will be carried out by key users. The output documents are: integration test document, integration test problem record sheet;


3.3 Development

At this stage, the development task will be carried out at the same time. The leader of the development team will formulate the development plan according to the development requirements submitted by the consultants, and output the document: development plan document; Each module consultant or key user prepares the development requirements document according to the development plan, and outputs the document: development requirements specification; After the development of the development consultant is completed, notify the consultant to test the development function. Output document: development test document.


3.4 Data collection

During the implementation of SAP project, the data group synchronously executes the master data collection task according to the master data collection plan, and outputs the document: business master data. More important master data include material master data, BOM, customer, supplier, asset, equipment and other master data.


4.Final preparation stage


The purpose of the final preparation stage is to prepare the system and company for the implementation of SAP. This stage reinforces all activities in the previous stage. Find and resolve all exceptions and configuration errors. Key users are responsible for preparing the operation manual of the future system and training the end users. In addition, it is also necessary to check all program switching and interactive interfaces, conduct capacity test and stress test, and test user acceptance.


4.1 End user training

The training for the end users of the system is carried out by key users. For the training of key users for the end users, user manuals need to be prepared as training materials. Output documents: user operation manual, training plan. Carry out end-user training according to the training plan, which mainly includes business process explanation and computer operation.


4.2 Authority design

The module consultant sets permissions in the system according to the permission requirements of the future business position, and then tests permissions according to the actual position during the end user training process. Output documents: role permission design documents, permission test results documents.


4.3 Development and approval of online strategy

The module consultant formulates the online strategy and data import plan, including the import of static data and dynamic data. Output documents: online strategy, data import plan. Each business decision group will discuss and approve the online strategy and data import plan.


4.4 Preparation of production system

Installation and preparation of production system. The system administrator transfers the SAP configuration to the production machine.


4.5 Inspection and import of static data

The key user performs the final check and confirmation of the static master data, then performs the data import, compares the data before the system import with the data downloaded from the system after the import, and signs after confirmation. Output document: data checklist.


5.Online support stage


5.1 Inventory before going online

Each business department shall conduct the pre-launch inventory and provide the inventory data in the required format. Output document: count business data.


5.2 Check and import of inventory data

The financial department will conduct the final check on the counted data. After confirmation, the key user or consultant will perform the import, compare the data before the system import with the data downloaded from the system after the import, and sign after confirmation. Output document: data checklist.


5.3 System switching

After the static data and dynamic data are imported into the system, the system will be switched according to the project plan, and the new business will be operated and managed on the SAP platform.


5.4 Support after going online

Key users and consultants are responsible for guiding and solving the problems in the process of business operation, recording the problems and solutions in a timely manner every day, and meeting the project team every day to discuss the problems and guide the solution in a timely manner. Output document: online problem record form.


5.5 Monthly settlement support

One month after going online, the consultant should guide and support the monthly settlement of the system, solve the problems in the monthly settlement in time, and ensure the smooth completion of the monthly settlement. Then the consultant team withdrew from the customer site and changed to remote support.

This article "What is the whole implementation process in SAP project?" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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