Medical device digitization experts shared 4 points on how to manage medical device products

Author:Acloudear , 2023-03-17 08:41   
Fully utilize digital technology and Internet thinking to achieve the transformation of data management, automated processes, cloud platform support, and intelligent services, improve the quality, safety, and service level of medical device products, meet the needs of users and regulatory agencies, and achieve sustainable development of the enterprise.

I believe that many medical device product managers share the same confusion: The competition in the medical device market is becoming increasingly fierce, and national regulations are becoming increasingly strict. As medical device product managers, they not only need to face unstable product quality, but also need to deal with multiple risks and challenges such as fluctuating supply chains. In addition to the fact that traditional medical device product management has been out of business, the information based medical device product management software, which once played an important role, is under increasing pressure and appears slightly tired due to practical requirements such as efficiency and intelligence. Many medical device product managers can’t help but ask: How to manage medical device products under the current complex situation and various challenges?



In this issue, experts in digital management of medical device product management will share with you: Traditional medical device product management has come out, how to manage modern medical device products?


Six challenges and pain points in medical device product management


Before exploring “how to manage medical device products”, we must first understand several major challenges and pain points in current medical device product management. Only by understanding these challenges and pain points can we seek solutions. Experts in the operation and management of medical device products have summarized six challenges for us.


◆ Complex regulatory system for medical device product management

Medical device product management needs to comply with relevant laws, regulations, and standards. These requirements are not only cumbersome and complex, but also constantly changing and updated, requiring constant understanding and compliance with relevant regulations.


◆ Medical device product management product quality is difficult to ensure

The production and quality control requirements for medical device products are strict, requiring multiple stages of testing and testing. At the same time, the materials, processes, and other factors involved are complex and variable, making it difficult to ensure product quality.


◆ It is difficult for medical device product management and after-sales service to meet the demand

The after-sales service of medical device products needs to be timely, professional, and safe, but due to the complex use environment and operation of medical device products, it is difficult for the after-sales service to meet user needs.



◆ Medical device product management Supply chain management is difficult

The supply chain of medical device products involves multiple links, including raw material procurement, production and manufacturing, product distribution, and management is difficult.


◆ Medical device product management technology update and innovation pressure

The pressure of technological updating and innovation of medical device products is high, requiring enterprises to continuously carry out technological research and development and product innovation. However, this requires a large amount of manpower, material resources, and financial resources, as well as challenges such as technological instability and market risks.


◆ Medical device product management faces fierce market competition

The fierce competition in the medical device product market requires enterprises to strengthen marketing, product innovation, and brand building, but this requires high capital and human investment, as well as strong market insight and keen market responsiveness.


How to manage medical device products?


After we have made clear “several major challenges and pain points in current medical device product management”, we may wish to listen to some suggestions for medical device product management. They often emphasize from a management perspective that enterprises need to strengthen internal management, improve product quality and after-sales service levels, and strengthen communication and cooperation with government regulatory agencies to actively address the challenges of market competition and technological innovation.


Generally, they will manage medical device products from:

◆ Establish a sound management system;

◆ Strict product quality management;

◆ Compliance registration and filing;

◆ Reasonable supply chain management;

◆ Safe and effective after-sales service;

◆ Regular quality inspection and evaluation.


Product quality traceability management for medical device product management


In summary, enterprises should manage medical device products in accordance with regulations and standards for different countries and regions, as well as local laws, regulations, and standards. However, we find it difficult to effectively solve problems such as: How to obtain local medical device product management regulations and standards in a timely manner? Such a cumbersome and complex regulatory manpower is often difficult to cope with, and no matter how well the key management points are addressed, it is difficult to implement them.


Digital medical device product management brings four core values


In fact, the traditional operation and management of medical device products has already gone out, and the information-based management of medical device products is also difficult to adapt to efficient modern control. Digital experts in medical device product management said: How to manage medical device products in the digital era? This requires the support of digital medical device product management systems (software), which experts share four core values.


◆ Data management of medical device product management

Digital medical device product management needs to achieve real-time, accurate, and complete data collection and management. Through data analysis and mining, comprehensive management and control of all aspects of the product life cycle can be achieved to improve product quality and after-sales service level;


◆ Automated process of medical device product management

The operation and management of digital medical device products requires the realization of process automation. Through digital technology, the automatic management of product production, testing, quality control, after-sales service, and other processes can be achieved, reducing manual intervention and management costs, and improving management efficiency and product quality;


◆ Cloud platform support for medical device product management

The operation and management of digital medical device products requires building a global product data and information exchange platform on the cloud platform, achieving information sharing and collaborative management among enterprises, customers, and regulatory agencies, and strengthening global management cooperation and mutual trust;


◆ Intelligent services for medical device product management

Digital medical device product management needs to achieve intelligent after-sales services, through digital technology to achieve product usage monitoring, fault early warning, remote diagnosis and other services, achieve real-time monitoring and feedback to users, and improve after-sales service quality and user satisfaction.


Product Life Cycle Management of Medical Device Product Operation Management


The traditional mode of medical device product management has died, and the operation and management of information based medical device products are becoming increasingly weak. How do we manage the medical device products of our medical device enterprises? According to the enlightenment of digital experts in medical device product management, it is necessary to fully utilize digital technology and Internet thinking to achieve the transformation of data management, automated processes, cloud platform support, and intelligent services, improve the quality, safety, and service level of medical device products, meet the needs of users and regulatory agencies, and achieve sustainable development of enterprises.


To learn more about how to manage medical device products, excellent solutions for medical device product operation management, and medical device product management, click on the following link:


Medical Device Industry Solutions, Medical Device Enterprise Digital Transformation White Paper


Medical Device



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