What aspects and dimensions should sales analysis start from: comprehensive analysis

Author:Acloudear , 2024-08-23 10:47   
Do you want to know from which aspects and dimensions sales analysis starts? This guide provides a detailed explanation of several key aspects and dimensions of sales analysis, helping sales managers and marketers master sales analysis and improve sales strategies and performance from multiple dimensions.


In today’s fiercely competitive business environment, sales managers and marketers bear significant responsibilities. They not only need to track sales performance, but also develop effective strategies through in-depth analysis of customer, product, and market data. They often feel pressure and challenges when facing large amounts of data and complex market changes every day. Therefore, understanding the aspects from which sales analysis starts and the dimensions from which sales analysis is conducted has become the key to improving work efficiency and accuracy. This article will start from multiple key aspects and explore how sales analysis can help them make more accurate decisions from which aspects and dimensions, thereby promoting performance growth.


Sales managers and marketers deal with numbers and data every day. They see fluctuations in sales, changes in customer demand, and the evolution of market trends, and are keenly aware of the business opportunities and crises hidden behind these numbers. However, relying solely on experience and intuition is no longer sufficient to address today’s market challenges. By analyzing the sales of the system from which aspects, they can see the essence through the phenomenon and accurately grasp the pulse of the business.


This article aims to assist sales managers and marketers in establishing a comprehensive sales analysis framework. Through in-depth analysis of sales data, starting from which aspects and dimensions of sales analysis, they can better understand market changes, optimize sales strategies, and improve overall performance. The article will explore in detail the aspects and dimensions of sales analysis, helping them find direction in complex market environments.


Sales performance analysis


1.Sales revenue and sales volume

When a sales manager sees a decline in sales in recent months, he may feel a little uneasy. At this point, he instinctively wants to know: “What caused the decline in sales? Is it a change in market demand or a mistake in our own strategy?” By analyzing the trends in sales and sales volume, and understanding from which aspects sales analysis starts, he can identify the specific reasons for performance fluctuations. If the sales volume of a certain product line drops significantly, it may be due to changes in market demand or competitors launching more attractive products. This analysis made him realize the urgency of adjusting his strategy, perhaps it’s time to re-examine product positioning and pricing strategies.


2.Sales target achievement rate

At the quarterly meeting, the sales manager needs to report to the company’s senior management on the achievement of sales targets. When he saw the gap between actual sales and predetermined targets, he couldn’t help but feel a wave of pressure in his heart. He understands that this not only concerns his professional performance, but also directly affects the morale of the entire team. Thoroughly analyze the target achievement rate, understand which dimensions of sales analysis to start from, and help him identify the specific reasons for the gap in achievement, whether it is due to poor market promotion or sales channel selection errors? This analysis enables him to make targeted adjustments, set more realistic plans for next quarter’s goals, and motivate the team to work towards clear directions.


3.Sales profit margin

As a shrewd sales manager, he not only focuses on sales revenue, but also cares about the profit margin of sales. When he sees a best-selling product with a low profit margin, he immediately thinks: “At which point did we lose profit? Was it due to high supply chain costs or pricing strategy problems?” By analyzing gross profit margin and net profit margin in depth, he can identify which products bring the maximum profit to the enterprise and which products need to be optimized or eliminated. During this process, he will work closely with the finance team to jointly develop strategies that are more conducive to improving profitability, thereby bringing higher investment returns to the enterprise.


Customer analysis


1.Customer segmentation

At a typical sales conference, marketers often see a pile of customer data. These data may seem complex, but in reality, there is a living customer behind each data point. When they delve into customer segmentation, they will find that different customer groups have vastly different needs and behavioral patterns. Understanding the sales analysis of customer segmentation from which aspects can help them develop precise marketing strategies. For example, some high net worth clients may be more concerned about product quality and brand image, while price sensitive clients value promotional activities and cost-effectiveness more. By segmenting customer groups, marketers can more accurately develop marketing strategies and allocate resources to the most likely customers to convert, thereby improving overall marketing effectiveness.


2.Customer Lifecycle Value (CLV)

Marketing professionals are well aware that the cost of attracting a new customer is much higher than retaining an existing customer. When evaluating customer lifecycle value (CLV), they often focus on which customers can bring sustained revenue to the enterprise in the future. Customers with high CLV are not only the core customers of the enterprise, but also the source of long-term profits. By analyzing the purchasing behavior and value contribution of these customers, understanding the dimensions from which sales analysis starts, they can develop more targeted customer retention strategies, such as customized membership programs or VIP services, to ensure the loyalty and satisfaction of these high-value customers.


3.Customer loyalty analysis

Whenever marketers look at customer repurchase rates, they involuntarily think: ‘Why did these customers choose us? Why did they repurchase?’ By analyzing customer loyalty and understanding where sales analysis starts, they can identify which customers are genuine brand fans and which customers may be attracted away by competitors. Highly loyal customers not only bring stable income to the enterprise, but also attract new customers through word-of-mouth communication. Therefore, marketers will actively utilize the analysis results to develop more personalized customer care plans, thereby consolidating relationships with these customers and enhancing brand stickiness.


Product/Service Analysis


1.Analysis of best-selling products

When the sales manager reviews the sales data of the past few months, he will pay special attention to products that have performed well in sales. He will ask himself, ‘What makes these products so popular? Is it price advantage or market demand driven?’ By analyzing the success factors of popular products and understanding from which aspects sales analysis starts, he can better understand market trends and replicate these successful experiences to other product lines. For example, if a product is popular in the market due to its high cost-effectiveness, it may consider implementing similar pricing strategies on other products to drive overall sales growth.


2.Analysis of unsold products

Untold products are a pain point in the hearts of every sales manager and marketing personnel. When they see certain products being unsold for a long time, they inevitably feel anxious: “Why can’t these products be sold? Is it because of the problems with the products themselves, or is it due to inadequate market promotion?” By deeply analyzing the market performance of unsold products and understanding from which aspects sales analysis starts, they can find the real reasons for unsold products. Perhaps due to insufficient market demand or excessively high pricing, the competitiveness is not strong. Based on these analyses, they can take measures to adjust their product strategy or decide to stop producing these products to avoid wasting resources.


3.Product portfolio optimization

The optimization of product portfolio is an important link in improving the overall sales efficiency of enterprises. When analyzing product line performance, sales managers and marketers often ask themselves: “Is our product portfolio reasonable? Which products are worth promoting and which ones need optimization?” By optimizing the product portfolio, they can understand from which dimensions sales analysis is conducted, and identify which products are the company’s star products that should be given more resource support. For products that perform poorly, it is possible to consider gradually phasing them out or repositioning them to ensure the healthy development of the product line.


Sales channel analysis


1.Analysis of online and offline channels

In modern business, sales managers and marketers often have to make a choice between online and offline channels. When they see a significant increase in online sales data, they may excitedly think: ‘Have online channels become our main growth point? Should we increase investment in online channels?’ However, offline channels also have their unique advantages, such as providing more personalized customer service and enhancing customer experience. Therefore, by comparing the sales performance of online and offline channels and understanding the dimensions from which sales analysis starts, they can better balance the resource investment of both and ensure the maximization of channel benefits.


2.Channel contribution rate

When analyzing the contribution rates of various channels, sales managers often focus on which channels contribute the most to the company’s sales revenue. They will think: ‘Which channels bring us the most revenue? Should we adjust our channel strategy and focus our resources on high contribution channels?’ Through this analysis, they can understand from which aspects sales analysis starts, optimize the channel combination, ensure that the company’s resources are used most effectively, and thus improve overall sales efficiency.


3.Cost benefit analysis of channels

The cost-effectiveness ratio of channels is a key indicator that sales managers and marketers must pay attention to. When they see that a certain channel has high sales but also extremely high costs, they may have questions: “Is this channel really worth investing so many resources in? Can we find a more cost-effective channel?” By analyzing the cost to revenue ratio of each channel in depth and understanding which dimensions sales analysis starts from, they can find the best channel strategy that can maintain sales growth while controlling costs, thereby maximizing corporate profits.


Market and Competition Analysis


1.Market trend analysis

Sales managers and marketing personnel always pay close attention to the dynamics of the market. They will conduct regular market trend analysis to ensure that the company can respond to market changes in a timely manner. When they see an emerging trend in the market, they may immediately think: ‘What impact will this trend have on our business? How should we adjust our strategy to seize this opportunity?’ Through market trend analysis and understanding from which aspects sales analysis starts, they can foresee future market demand and prepare in advance to ensure that the company maintains a leading position in fierce market competition.


2.Competitor analysis

Understanding the trends of competitors is one of the important responsibilities of sales managers and marketing personnel. When they see a competitor launching a new product or implementing a new marketing strategy, they may immediately evaluate: ‘What impact will this have on our market share? How can we respond to this challenge?’ Through in-depth analysis of competitors and understanding from which dimensions sales analysis starts, they can identify their own strengths and weaknesses, develop more targeted competitive strategies, and enhance market competitiveness.


3.Market share

Market share is a key indicator for measuring a company’s position in the target market. When sales managers and marketers see changes in market share, they can’t help but think: “Is our market share increasing? If not, what measures should we take to expand the market?” By analyzing market share and understanding from which aspects sales analysis starts, they can evaluate the company’s market expansion opportunities, develop corresponding growth strategies, consolidate or expand its market share, and thus occupy a more advantageous position in competition.


Sales Team Performance Analysis


1.KPI analysis of sales team

The performance of the sales team directly affects the overall sales performance of the company. Sales managers pay special attention to the performance of each salesperson when analyzing the team’s key performance indicators (KPIs). They will think: ‘Which team members have performed exceptionally well? Can their successful experiences be replicated throughout the entire team?’ Through KPI analysis, understanding from which aspects sales analysis starts, sales managers can identify outstanding team members and help other members improve their performance. This process not only helps to improve the overall work efficiency of the team, but also enhances the cohesion of the team.


2.Sales process analysis

The various stages of the sales process directly affect the final sales results. When a sales manager discovers a bottleneck in a certain link, they may feel anxious: “The problem in this link will affect the efficiency of the entire sales process. How can we improve it?” Through in-depth analysis of the sales process and understanding from which dimensions sales analysis starts, they can identify the problem and develop corresponding improvement measures to improve the overall sales process efficiency and ensure the smooth achievement of sales goals.


3.Team training and motivation

The sales manager can identify the training needs of the team by analyzing team performance data. When he sees that some team members’ performance is not satisfactory, he may think: ‘What kind of training do these members need? How can we improve their abilities through training?’ At the same time, he will also consider how to stimulate the team’s enthusiasm through performance incentives. Developing reasonable incentive policies can not only boost team morale, but also improve overall sales performance.


Data tools and technical support


1.Sales data collection and management

In daily work, sales managers and marketing personnel are well aware of the importance of effective sales data collection and management for sales analysis. When they see a report lacking accurate data support, they may feel a little uneasy: “Have we missed key data? Are these data complete and accurate enough?” By establishing a scientific data management system and understanding from which aspects sales analysis starts, they can ensure the integrity and accuracy of the data, providing a reliable foundation for subsequent analysis.


2.Application of data analysis tools

Sales managers and marketers often rely on various data analysis tools when dealing with large amounts of data. They will think: ‘Have we fully utilized these tools to improve work efficiency? Are there any tools that are more suitable for our business needs?’ Reasonably using data analysis tools such as Excel, Tableau, CRM systems, etc., to understand which dimensions sales analysis starts from, can not only improve the efficiency of data processing, but also help them more accurately explore the value behind the data and make wiser decisions.


3.Data visualization and report generation

At the sales report meeting, the sales manager and marketing personnel need to present the analysis results through data visualization. When they see an intuitive sales data chart, they may feel a little relieved: “These charts not only make the data easier to understand, but also make our report more persuasive.” By using data visualization tools to generate easily understandable sales analysis reports and understand where sales analysis starts from, they can more effectively convey the analysis results and help the company’s top management make more accurate decisions.




Sales analysis involves multiple key aspects, including sales performance, customers, products, channels, markets, competition, teams, etc. Every aspect of analysis can provide important support for a company’s sales decisions, helping sales managers and marketers better understand the market, optimize sales strategies, and achieve performance growth. By clarifying the aspects and dimensions of sales analysis, companies can find the right direction in fierce market competition.


Based on the above analysis, sales managers and marketing personnel should develop corresponding action plans to translate the analysis results into actual sales strategies. This includes optimizing product portfolio, adjusting channel strategies, enhancing customer satisfaction, improving sales processes, etc. Through systematic sales analysis, starting from which aspects and dimensions of sales analysis, they can find the right direction in fierce market competition and lead the team to achieve better sales performance.


In the future, with the advancement of technology and changes in the market, sales analysis will become more intelligent and refined. Sales managers and marketers should closely monitor the application of AI and big data technologies, which will provide more possibilities for sales analysis from which aspects and dimensions, helping companies better respond to market challenges and achieve sustainable development.

This article "What aspects and dimensions should sales analysis start from: comprehensive analysis" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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