Accelerated “dual engine” in SAP China market: cloud computing x digital transformation

Author:Acloudear , 2019-04-27 00:51   
▲ Mr. Li Qiang, Senior Vice President of SAP Global and General Manager of SAP China, giving a keynote speech On January 18, 2018, the “2018 SAP Greater China Partner Summit” was successfully held at the mangrove resort hotel next to the beautiful Sanya Haitang Bay. More than 80 SAP partners participated in this summit, which brought together a lot of industry leaders. With enthusiasm and expectations, everyone shared the beautiful blueprint of “Smart Cloud, Connected Innovation” in SAP. Mr. Li Qiang, SAP Global Senior Vice President and General Manager of SAP China, faced nearly 300 listeners, and took the lead in giving a wonderful keynote speech on “Joining hands together for common transformation and innovation”, and announced the new round of SAP China 2018 The two-day conference prelude began with its transformation strategy and initiatives. First, Li Qiang reviewed the outstanding achievements of SAP China in 2017 and expressed his sincere thanks for the support and contributions of partners. Next, Li Qiang solemnly announced the two major transformations of SAP China in 2018-embracing cloud computing and digital transformation, and explained the background and ideas to the guests in detail. Li Qiang said that cloud computing is the development trend of the entire IT industry. Take the SaaS market as an example. In the global enterprise application software market, SaaS is accelerating to replace On-Premise (local installation software). This trend started in 2010. “Each year the SaaS market is constantly growing at a rate of 5 to 6 times the […]


▲ Mr. Li Qiang, Senior Vice President of SAP Global and General Manager of SAP China, giving a keynote speech

On January 18, 2018, the “2018 SAP Greater China Partner Summit” was successfully held at the mangrove resort hotel next to the beautiful Sanya Haitang Bay. More than 80 SAP partners participated in this summit, which brought together a lot of industry leaders. With enthusiasm and expectations, everyone shared the beautiful blueprint of “Smart Cloud, Connected Innovation” in SAP. Mr. Li Qiang, SAP Global Senior Vice President and General Manager of SAP China, faced nearly 300 listeners, and took the lead in giving a wonderful keynote speech on “Joining hands together for common transformation and innovation”, and announced the new round of SAP China 2018 The two-day conference prelude began with its transformation strategy and initiatives.

First, Li Qiang reviewed the outstanding achievements of SAP China in 2017 and expressed his sincere thanks for the support and contributions of partners. Next, Li Qiang solemnly announced the two major transformations of SAP China in 2018-embracing cloud computing and digital transformation, and explained the background and ideas to the guests in detail.

Li Qiang said that cloud computing is the development trend of the entire IT industry. Take the SaaS market as an example. In the global enterprise application software market, SaaS is accelerating to replace On-Premise (local installation software). This trend started in 2010. “Each year the SaaS market is constantly growing at a rate of 5 to 6 times the on-premise market.” In 2016, CRM took the lead in achieving SaaS’s overtaking of On-Premise. It is estimated that as early as 2020, SaaS will also surpass On-Premise in the core ERP market of enterprise applications. In China’s enterprise application software market, the same trend can be seen, and the application of SaaS is about to enter a mature stage. This is a great opportunity for SAP partners.


▲ SaaS is developing at a high speed and is about to surpass On-Premise

At the same time, under the guidance of President Xi ’s 19th National Congress of the strategic policy of “promoting the deep integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and the real economy”, the Chinese government is also vigorously promoting “Made in China 2025” and “Internet + As a representative of digital transformation. With the coming of “Basic Industrialization in 2020” and “The First Hundred Years Goal of the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation in 2021”, the wave of digital transformation will also flourish in the land of China, and will continue to inject huge business opportunities into the market.

Next, Li Qiang introduced to partners the global strategy of SAP and how SAP supports cloud computing and digital transformation at the product level. Li Qiang pointed out that in the past 2017, the SaaS cloud products launched by SAP China in China have more than doubled compared to 2016, and more heavy cloud products will be welcomed in 2018. In the field of digital transformation, around “from data to insight to action to effect”, SAP provides a digital innovation system centered on Leonardo and a digital core system centered on S4 / HANA to help customers build a complete digital transformation End-to-end architecture. These numbers and facts have further strengthened the confidence of the partners present to engage in cloud computing and digital transformation.


▲ SAP’s strategic goal is to become the most innovative cloud company

Li Qiang believes that under the wave of SAP’s embrace of cloud computing and digital transformation, the SAP ecosystem will be newly expanded and developed. SAP will work with five types of partners to formulate a targeted cooperation strategy on common features of distributors, implementers, digital innovation partners, developers, and third-party cloud platforms, and jointly transform and innovate to build a new SAP ecosystem.


▲ Establish a new SAP ecosystem

Next, Li Qiang introduced to partners the GTM structure of SAP China in 2018 and the SAP China sales management team who participated in the summit. Finally, Li Qiang once again expresses his sincere gratitude to your partners for their contributions to SAP in 2017, and looks forward to working together in the new 2018 to create brilliant!

This article "Accelerated “dual engine” in SAP China market: cloud computing x digital transformation" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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