Why do enterprises choose cloud ERP system and seize the cloud in ERP

Author:Acloudear , 2019-11-25 17:59   
Many habits rely on self intuition to manage. Entrepreneurs who make decisions for enterprises by patting their heads often have such a question in their minds: isn’t the current situation of their own enterprises very good?Why do those enterprises choosecloud ERP systemseize the cloud in ERP? On the one hand, I feel good about myself, and on the other hand, I feel that my enterprise will lack great competitiveness if it does not go to the cloud. Life is so tangled, how can enterprises move forward? If you want to go to the cloud, is it face or vision? There are always 10000 reasons for being late, but only one reason is enough: in the trend of digital wave, no enterprise can be independent; since it can’t escape, it’s better to face the existence of cloud ERP system. Run, business brother, don’t turn a blind eye to continue walking. Xiaobian knows your concerns. First, understand the advantages and disadvantages. Maybe it’s easier to choose. Adhere to localization of ERP, what will happen without going to the cloud? The answer is: the consequences are serious! Enterprises can’t go up to the cloud. First of all, let’s put aside face and talk about something practical. Is your traditional ERP easy to use? If you want to upgrade, you’re afraid of spending money for nothing. If you don’t upgrade, you’re a bit in a hurry. Every year, you need to continue to spend money to find guilt. How much or some wrongs, right? […]

Many habits rely on self intuition to manage. Entrepreneurs who make decisions for enterprises by patting their heads often have such a question in their minds: isn’t the current situation of their own enterprises very good?Why do those enterprises choosecloud ERP systemseize the cloud in ERP?
On the one hand, I feel good about myself, and on the other hand, I feel that my enterprise will lack great competitiveness if it does not go to the cloud. Life is so tangled, how can enterprises move forward? If you want to go to the cloud, is it face or vision? There are always 10000 reasons for being late, but only one reason is enough: in the trend of digital wave, no enterprise can be independent; since it can’t escape, it’s better to face the existence of cloud ERP system. Run, business brother, don’t turn a blind eye to continue walking. Xiaobian knows your concerns. First, understand the advantages and disadvantages. Maybe it’s easier to choose.
Why choose cloud ERP? ERP goes to cloud

Adhere to localization of ERP, what will happen without going to the cloud?
The answer is: the consequences are serious!

Enterprises can’t go up to the cloud. First of all, let’s put aside face and talk about something practical. Is your traditional ERP easy to use? If you want to upgrade, you’re afraid of spending money for nothing. If you don’t upgrade, you’re a bit in a hurry. Every year, you need to continue to spend money to find guilt. How much or some wrongs, right?
Professional IT experts in the Jianghu refuse to stick to the traditional ERP, and choose cloud ERP to list the top 10 pain points. Interested business owners can have a look at it, and the editor can take a few random excerpts, or compare their symptoms. It has absorbed the potential innovation brought by it budget; business rules will not remain unchanged, unreliable and outdated ERP system will not keep pace; outdated ERP system will drag the company behind; mobile labor will fight against the fixed and outdated ERP system; the “Stone Age” ERP system will isolate your company from suppliers, channels and customers One is more serious than the other! Is that what your family is like?
Why choose cloud ERP? ERP goes to cloud 2
Why choose the cloud ERP system, why seize the ERP cloud?
To sum up, grasp two key words: version locking, chicken ribs have emerged.

Yes, you can completely ignore the rapid changes of the times, market and competition. The traditional ERP can also maintain the status quo through “version locking”, but the outdated ERP allows enterprises to quietly bring you into a disadvantage in the increasingly complex competition. Even if you’re going to struggle and spend a lot of money on upgrades, experts will advise you to save. After upgrading, it still lags behind the times. Traditional ERP War: it’s hard not to upgrade, but to return to the traditional human form tactics; upgrading is more difficult, because it costs a lot of money, and it’s useless.
Cloud ERP Heroes
The so-called: the times make heroes. Cloud ERP, the hero of saving the digital age!
Now let’s focus on: enterprises choose cloud ERP system to grasp the advantages of ERP cloud.
Industry insiders attribute the reasons why enterprises choose cloud ERP to four major points: the company’s rapid improvement; faster implementation and deployment; faster transfer of new features and functions; support for company innovation, so as to have new capabilities. In fact, this is just the most prominent aspect. If you want to elaborate on the benefits of cloud access, you can’t finish it in three days and three nights.
For example, for the cost of an enterprise, the IT expenses are reduced by less than 50%, which can be used as value-added activity expenses for company innovation; the cloud ERP system is managed and deployed by suppliers, maintained continuously, and updated automatically, which not only conforms to the timeliness required by the strategic deployment of the enterprise, but also makes enterprise managers more worry free; no matter how to upgrade, it does not affect the existing third-party software Customization and integration, compatibility is very good! So why don’t many companies want to go to the cloud? Mainly because of process and data. In fact, you don’t need to worry about it at all. Its security is comparable to that of the bank.
Early studies have shown that: Enterprise Cloud Computing and ERP software are growing rapidly, 22% of enterprises using cloud ERP are more effective than those not yet on the cloud. Although this research only occurs in the manufacturing industry, it is enough to show the effect of enterprises choosing cloud ERP system. Therefore, it is the general trend of enterprises to choose the cloud ERP system to seize the ERP cloud.
In fact, the reason is very simple. In today’s era, as the queen of hearts said in Alice in Wonderland: “in our place, you have to keep running to stay in place. If you want to get to another place, you have to run twice as fast as you are now. ” There is no doubt that cloud ERP can give you double, or even n times of running speed, easily surpassing the opponent! Run, business brothers! For a more comprehensive understanding, consult acloudear share, an earlier gold partner of SAP cloud.

This article "Why do enterprises choose cloud ERP system and seize the cloud in ERP" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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