How to manage overseas orders? Is there any good overseas order system?

Author:Acloudear , 2020-07-24 15:04   Tags :
If the common overseas order system focuses on meeting the main functions of overseas order management, the easy-to-use overseas order system will take into account all the major links and elements in the supply chain to achieve the optimization.

Are customers happy to place orders when enterprises operate overseas? If the management can’t keep up with the management and there is a problem in any link, you will know that sometimes taking orders is more troublesome than not taking orders. So a series of things came, including the approval of orders, the qualification of customers, reputation and financial costs. What should we do if the orders just confirmed changed with the customers? After placing a good order, there is a problem in the production side, and the delivery cannot be made on time. Is the person following the order very hard? It can be seen that the importance of order management, especially overseas order management, is totally driven by one move. How to manage the most effective and easy? To find a good overseas order management system has long been the consensus of overseas customer relationship management.

How to find a good overseas order system?

It’s definitely a technical job. First of all, what is the main function of order management system? Through the unified order to provide users with integrated one-stop supply chain services, order management and order tracking management can make users’ logistics services get the whole process of satisfaction. Does that sound simple? If you find an overseas order system that can control the whole process, will it be over? I’m afraid order management is not as simple as you think.

Easy to use overseas order system!

If the common overseas order system focuses on meeting the main functions of overseas order management, the easy-to-use overseas order system will take into account all the major links and elements in the supply chain to achieve the optimization. According to acloudear, an expert in digital management of cross-border operation of offshore enterprises, after studying a large number of overseas enterprises, we can see that order management is an indispensable part of both overseas e-commerce and overseas marketing.

Overseas order system 1

Similarly, acloudear experts also further demonstrated the position and importance of overseas orders in overseas e-commerce with the help of e-commerce cloud in SAP C / 4 Hana solution, which is popular and has good reputation. We can clearly find from the solution that order management does not exist independently, but must rely on the one-stop Omni channel marketing solution and form an organic unity with the whole supply chain to realize the smooth operation of the entire customer relationship.

Overseas order system 2

SAP overseas order solution shows us the connection between the order center and the front desk of mobile multi-point contact. Whether it is B2B, B2C, B2B2C transaction center platform, or mobile app, social media and third-party access, it is a fully integrated whole, realizing real-time monitoring and management on the cloud. Based on this, there will be order problems, information lag and production problems mentioned in the beginning? In many cases, it has been predicted in advance and solved easily.

Not only in e-commerce, but also in overseas sales. For example, the advanced SAP sales cloud realizes comprehensive management by providing the most comprehensive sales management functions that match the international business needs.

Overseas order system 3

In CPQ and CLM, the functional management value of overseas orders and contracts is realized. In fact, excellent overseas order system is not independent, but based on the whole supply chain to achieve end-to-end comprehensive support. We have a comprehensive understanding of the sales business support of overseas enterprises through advanced SAP C / 4 Hana solutions. Intelligent, digital and automatic order management, as well as end-to-end business real-time support under comprehensive integration, have become the inevitable choice for modern offshore enterprises and overseas marketing and order management.

Overseas order system 4

Therefore, all excellent overseas order management systems are based on the concept of “customer-oriented”, internalized, instrumented and globalized. Through the establishment of an end-to-end marketing management system and a robust and flexible business platform, the integrated marketing and operation information of multiple product lines can be opened up to ensure the smooth implementation of all aspects of marketing management.

To fully handle overseas order management and optimize user experience,

You can search and download the white paper acloudear on the digital transformation of cross border operation of offshore enterprises,

Stand on a new height of international supply chain management to help you realize the smooth operation of the supply chain.

This article "How to manage overseas orders? Is there any good overseas order system?" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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