What kind of overseas distribution system can effectively manage dealers and agents?

Author:Acloudear , 2020-07-22 15:49   Tags :
When we look at our management from a brand-new height and on the shoulders of excellent overseas distribution system giants, omni-channel, digital and ecosystem are indispensable.

From dealers to agents, from real-time sales to inventory, from accurate quantity to on-time delivery, from customer feedback to product improvement… All of these are problems that overseas distribution managers need to face directly. Information is not timely, data is not accurate, production can not keep up with, how to deliver goods on time, default risk, capital turnover, a series of problems come one after another, how many brains and how many hands can you cope with? Still manual? What else? How do many enterprises in the world handle overseas distribution? Of course, we need a set of overseas distribution system with standardized process, clear responsibilities and rights, real-time synchronization of the most critical data, and it is better to predict and analyze, and scientifically manage overseas distribution. In fact, it is not so difficult for both agents and distributors.

How to solve the general overseas distribution system?

Our common overseas distribution system, mainly through the establishment of a unified customer relationship management framework for customers, the formation of dealer information entrance, through the process and details to manage the enterprise’s overseas distribution channels, and stabilize the cooperative relationship. Through the established rules and procedures to help enterprises achieve mutual benefit and win-win in overseas distribution. With such an overseas distribution system, managers really need to save a lot of trouble, but is this our idealistic overseas distribution management?

What are the characteristics of an excellent overseas distribution system?

Compared with the common overseas distribution system, the excellent overseas distribution system is not as simple as the system we see, but is essentially different from the advanced management concept to the macro and micro management system. As acloudear, an expert in digital transformation of overseas enterprises, mentioned in the white paper acloudear on the digital transformation of cross border operation of overseas enterprises, enterprises’ overseas e-commerce marketing layout needs not only omni-channel management, but also ecological digitization. The height of the station is Omni channel management, not just the management of dealers and agents in one of the online distribution. Starting from the cutting-edge technology, it is more a sustainable ecological cycle formed by digitization.

Overseas distribution system 1

Sap is an advanced representative in both overseas marketing and distribution management

If we talk about the concept and architecture of the space hole, we may as well make a careful analysis from the perspective of acloudear, a platinum partner of sap, and the CRM management system SAP C / 4 Hana, which is favored by the majority of offshore enterprises. One of the e-commerce clouds is to build an online distribution platform, optimize channel management, and create an ecological platform to control overseas distribution management. In addition to the distribution platform, in the omni channel distribution system, the solution can quickly build a dealer inventory management platform (DMS) for customers, facilitate the tracking of channel inventory, improve the ability of distribution collaboration, and improve customer satisfaction. In this way, some management pain points at the beginning of the article will be solved easily!

Overseas distribution system 2

In fact, excellent management is based on the “customer-oriented” overseas marketing system of 360 degree all-round management, not just to solve the basic problem of how to manage distributors and agents in the distribution system. The integrated, cloud based and digital management can fully control all the information of Omni channel, predict and analyze based on accurate information, so as to avoid the risks caused by various problems in the upstream and downstream of the supply chain.

Finally, in order to let you have an intuitive understanding of how SAP provides solutions in these aspects, we present it with the marketing cloud in SAP C / 4 Hana. Learn more about how it helps enterprises to provide the most comprehensive sales management functions that match international business needs.

Overseas distribution system 3

When we see all this, the difference between the ordinary and the excellent is naturally self-evident. When we use software and system only as tools of overseas distribution management and customer relationship management, there is a problem of generalizing the whole. At any time, in any era, management is first of all an advanced wisdom, with a comprehensive macro vision and concept, and then combined with the basis of methodology, to solve the management problems one by one. It is not an instrumental paradigm for treating headache and foot pain.

Therefore, when we look at our management from a brand-new height and on the shoulders of excellent overseas distribution system giants, omni-channel, digital and ecosystem are indispensable.

To achieve excellent overseas distribution, supplier and agent management for enterprises,

You can search and download the white paper acloudear on the digital transformation of cross border operation of offshore enterprises,

Bring excellent management solutions from overseas distribution to Omni channel management.

This article "What kind of overseas distribution system can effectively manage dealers and agents?" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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