For medical equipment maintenance management, please collect these five suggestions for optimizing management!

Author:Acloudear , 2023-03-02 12:17   
How to meet the requirements of modern medical institutions, safe and efficient daily operation, and prevent the risk of medical accidents?

In modern medical treatment, medical equipment maintenance management is the most critical management content of the entire medical equipment in its life cycle. The effect of management directly affects the service life and efficiency of medical equipment. It is also closely related to the daily operation of medical institutions, the quality of medical services, the risk of medical accidents, and even the cost of medical institutions. Imagine that a medical institution has poor maintenance and management of medical equipment. Once the medical equipment fails during the operation, the consequences will be unimaginable. However, in reality, many medical institutions still have many problems in the maintenance and management of medical equipment. For example, the medical equipment maintenance management system is not perfect. Although there is a medical equipment maintenance management system, it still appears that the medical equipment information and data are incomplete, and the equipment health and maintenance status cannot be obtained in real time. Of course, it is likely that the medical equipment maintenance management is inefficient, and the period from repair to maintenance is long, And the lack of professional maintenance personnel. How to meet the requirements of modern medical institutions, safe and efficient daily operation, and prevent the risk of medical accidents? It has become the heart of many medical equipment maintenance management.



In this issue, the digital expert of medical equipment maintenance management will bring you suggestions on medical equipment maintenance management and the selection of medical equipment maintenance management software.


Four major pain points of medical equipment maintenance management


To be precise, medical equipment maintenance management should be collectively referred to as medical equipment maintenance management. There are four main pain points in the management process:


Lack of professional maintenance personnel: medical equipment maintenance management needs professional technical personnel, and medical equipment maintenance is generally undertaken by professional medical engineering personnel in medical institutions, but many institutions lack professional personnel, resulting in low maintenance efficiency;


Maintenance costs are generally high: medical equipment maintenance needs to purchase professional accessories and tools, resulting in higher costs. In addition, medical institutions usually need to use equipment 24 hours without interruption, resulting in higher maintenance costs;


Long equipment maintenance cycle: due to the complexity of medical equipment and the long maintenance cycle, if there is no spare equipment or spare plan in the process of medical equipment maintenance management, medical services will be affected;


Do not pay attention to maintenance management: some medical institutions do not pay enough attention to the maintenance management of medical equipment, lack of standardized and scientific management methods, resulting in low maintenance efficiency and unreliable maintenance quality.



Five practical suggestions for medical equipment maintenance management


When our medical institutions are faced with the four major pain points mentioned above, medical equipment maintenance management experts will provide us with professional medical equipment maintenance management suggestions in five aspects of management.


System suggestions: establish a scientific maintenance management system, including daily maintenance of equipment, fault handling, spare parts management, maintenance records and other aspects, and develop corresponding operating procedures and standards.


Talent suggestions: strengthen personnel training and management: improve the professional skills of medical equipment maintenance personnel to ensure that they can deal with various equipment emergencies;


Purchase suggestions, purchase high-quality accessories and tools: strictly control the quality and efficiency, avoid secondary damage to equipment caused by inferior and substandard accessories, and increase the risk of medical accidents;


Information suggestions: build a medical equipment maintenance management system: record the daily maintenance, fault handling and repair of equipment, and provide scientific basis for equipment maintenance and management;


System suggestion: introduce digital management system: medical institutions can introduce digital equipment management system to realize remote monitoring and fault warning of equipment, timely deal with equipment problems, improve maintenance efficiency and quality, and reduce equipment maintenance costs.


In fact, there are many aspects that need to be paid attention to in the maintenance and management of medical equipment, such as the inventory management of accessories.



Selection of medical equipment maintenance management system


When experts put forward suggestions for the medical equipment maintenance management system, many medical equipment maintenance managers in our medical institutions can’t help asking: facing the dazzling variety of medical equipment maintenance management systems on the market, different sales light up our eyes, what should we choose? In fact, the experts in the above paragraphs have already known us the general direction, and the core keyword is “digitalization”, that is, the digital medical equipment maintenance management system.


The digital medical equipment maintenance management system, also known as the digital medical equipment maintenance management platform, has the following advantages:


Greatly improve equipment maintenance efficiency: the digital medical equipment maintenance management system can realize remote monitoring and fault early warning of equipment, timely find and solve equipment problems, avoid the impact of equipment failure on medical work, and improve maintenance efficiency;


Effectively reduce costs and improve quality: The digital medical equipment maintenance management system can achieve comprehensive monitoring and management of equipment, improve the quality, efficiency and safety of equipment maintenance, and avoid the delay of medical work caused by equipment failure, as well as secondary equipment damage and patient injury caused by improper maintenance.


Realize real-time sharing of equipment information: the digital medical equipment maintenance management system can realize the sharing of maintenance records and maintenance data, improve the collaborative work ability within medical institutions and between different institutions, and provide scientific basis for equipment maintenance and management;


Improve the working environment of engineers’ maintenance: the digital medical equipment maintenance management system can reduce the manual operation of maintenance personnel and the use of maintenance tools, improve the working environment, and improve the work efficiency and experience of maintenance personnel.


To sum up, when we understand a large number of pain points in medical equipment maintenance management, and combine with the five suggestions given by medical equipment maintenance management experts, we can refer to the advantages and values of the current leading digital medical equipment maintenance management system to solve many problems in medical equipment maintenance management more practically and efficiently. To learn more about the medical equipment maintenance management suggestions and the latest medical equipment maintenance management system so as to improve the efficiency of medical structure in medical equipment maintenance management, please click the following link:


Medical Device



This article "For medical equipment maintenance management, please collect these five suggestions for optimizing management!" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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