How to realize rapid transformation of cross-border e-commerce operation?

Author:Acloudear , 2020-08-10 16:10   Tags :
Looking for new customers and new orders, cross-border e-commerce is in urgent need of digital transformation and upgrading, which is the consensus of 99% of cross-border e-commerce enterprises. But how to quickly transform and upgrade?

Amazon operates well with a lot of orders. However, the warehouse data lags behind and the supply chain fails to keep up with it. How can it be delivered to customers in time? Therefore, no matter how good the e-commerce operation is, the lack of strong supply chain support is in vain. The competition of cross-border e-commerce is becoming more and more fierce. With the decline of orders, the increase of logistics and distribution costs and the tense cash flow, there is almost zero sum game competition. How to find new customers and new orders, cross-border e-commerce urgently needs digital transformation and upgrading, which is the consensus of 99% of cross-border e-commerce enterprises, but how to quickly transform and upgrade? This is really a problem!

First of all, how do local tyrants transform?

Acloudear, an expert in digital transformation of cross-border e-commerce enterprises, records such a phenomenon in his white paper acloudear on digital transformation of cross-border e-commerce enterprises: many cross-border e-commerce enterprises with strong financial strength have invested heavily in the development and construction of platforms on demand in the process of digital transformation, hoping to make up for their own business support for supply chain and value chain Insufficient. However, the real success is rare, and finally found that it is still unable to respond to market changes in a timely manner. Therefore, you will never learn from the road of rapid transformation of local tyrant’s cross-border e-commerce operation

How does the ordinary one turn? How’s it going?

Ordinary enterprises seem to have experienced the previous exploration, and become more pragmatic, and no longer fantasize about the operation of local tyrants. It began to turn to the mature application system of procurement to realize digital transformation for its cross-border e-commerce enterprises. In particular, small and medium-sized sellers, everyone into the market to find advanced and suitable for their own ERP software. It’s not easy to find the right one, and there are many technical traps. The ERP performance bottleneck is difficult to meet the future demand due to the direct connection with the third-party platform. Therefore, all this makes more and more cross-border e-commerce super difficult, how to avoid the pit, avoid the routine, otherwise it is difficult to get off.

Experts tell you how to turn quickly?

In fact, cross-border e-commerce enterprises need to find the right direct, practical and appropriate digital solutions for cross-border e-commerce, whether they are business transformation or omni-channel digital transformation, so as to help enterprises realize rapid transformation and upgrading in R & D, production, logistics, warehousing, sales, finance and even global investment layout.

Direct no routine solution to a set!

In the white paper, acloudear, an expert in digital transformation of cross-border e-commerce enterprises, with the help of a successful case of a cross-border e-commerce enterprise named Guangzhou speed pigeon, provides a series of references for the digital transformation of cross-border e-commerce enterprises.

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“SAP cloud ERP + linkpro” integrated Omni channel e-commerce solution based on SAP cloud platform, intelligent ERP and partners. It helps speed pigeon to optimize the supply chain and simplify the business process, standardize the upstream and downstream processes and integrate the financial business.

Ten value points of cross border e-commerce operation and rapid transformation

Acloudear, an expert in digital transformation of cross-border e-commerce, also mentioned in the white paper that if cross-border e-commerce wants to realize rapid transformation, it needs to meet the following ten value points.

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As a matter of fact, as for the digital transformation of cross-border e-commerce enterprises, acloudear has its own value system of “helping cross-border e-commerce enterprises to protect the sea route with digital infrastructure”.

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Don’t think that the digital transformation of cross-border e-commerce is very simple. If you make a wrong choice and encounter a technology trap, even if you make a big effort to transform, it is not very difficult to succeed. Burn money, business efficiency is still very slow, is not particularly unjust? You don’t have to go back to the countryside, even if you have a deep set of skills.

Acloudear digital transformation experts of cross-border e-commerce enterprises strongly recommend:

Search and download the white paper on digital transformation of cross border e-commerce enterprises — acloudear,

What is the unique secret of digital transformation,

It is easy to help you solve the digital transformation problem of cross-border e-commerce operation. From then on, the digital transformation will no longer take a detour!

This article "How to realize rapid transformation of cross-border e-commerce operation?" by AcloudEAR. We focus on business applications such as cloud ERP.

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How can ERP, which is suitable for cross-border e-commerce, control the front, middle and rear platforms?
What most cross-border e-commerce ERP lacks is the middle platform suite, which intensifies the ERP operation load. However, the cloud end of sap and the solution of SAP cloud ERP + linkpro can easily control the front, middle and rear platforms, making the cross-border e-commerce operation more perfect.

Which is the best ERP software for cross-border e-commerce?
Let’s see what experts say and what cross-border e-commerce enterprises that have successfully transformed.

What are the common skills of ERP systems for cross-border e-commerce?
In the white paper, acloudear, an expert in digital transformation of cross-border e-commerce enterprises, listed that for small and medium-sized cross-border e-commerce enterprises, an easy-to-use ERP system of cross-border e-commerce needs to have eight values.

How to do cross-border e-commerce and what elements do experts grasp?
Enterprises that do well in cross-border e-commerce will choose excellent, global and suitable ERP platform and professional cross-border e-commerce ERP digital transformation team to optimize and implement, so as to achieve excellent operation.

Why do we have to choose ERP system to do cross-border e-commerce?
How do small and medium-sized cross-border e-commerce enterprises choose the right ERP system? It depends on whether ERP can help enterprises cope with a series of business challenges easily.


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