How do the purchasing departments and suppliers of lean management enterprises cooperate?
There is a Chinese idiom called “keep improving, keep improving management”. This not only represents an attitude, but also becomes an important mode: refined and precise management. What will SAP, the world ‘s software giant, say? “There are three ways to build a smart enterprise architecture, none of which requires an enterprise to build a lean enterprise architecture. This architecture is low-cost, data-driven, and can provide the architecture flexibility needed in a new economic era.” No matter lean enterprise structure or lean management, there is […]

The value of purchasing management in supply chain
“Things have value only when people think they have value,” morick once said. “It is true that no matter how valuable a thing is, it is almost priceless if it is not recognized by the market and the public. This is more or less what our ancestors love to say: there is no market with price. Today we are talking about the same topic about value, but it’s only relatively subdivided, from supply chain to procurement management. What role does purchasing management play in the […]

How to manage purchase and supplier
With the increasingly fierce market competition, a series of technological changes such as Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, Internet of things and so on, make the external competitive environment of enterprises more complex, and invisibly put forward higher requirements for the flexibility of enterprise management and each major function among each other. From the point of view of procurement, we have already separated from the traditional procurement mode, and directly pushed the whole supply chain management. Focusing on procurement and supplier management, how to control […]

What is the difference between supply chain purchasing management and traditional purchasing management
Martin Christophe, a famous British supply chain management expert, said: “the real competition is not between enterprises, but between supply chain and supply chain.”. When the competition between enterprises rises to the level of supply chain competition, enterprises continue to cling to the incomplete, immersed in the traditional procurement management mode? Or actively embrace the new era of supply chain procurement management? Obviously, no one is willing to lag behind, let alone be eliminated by the times and the market. Why are there many enterprises […]

Importance and standard of purchasing management process optimization
When we are in an era of supply chain competition, the price advantage is declining day by day, and the value competition situation is prominent. The business environment has long been greatly changed because of the supply chain competition mode. Nowadays, enterprises must pay more attention to the procurement link for their own sustainable development. For this reason, the influence of purchasing management in the organizational structure of Chinese enterprises is expanding day by day, and it is gradually becoming one of the important core […]

How to control and manage the quality in purchasing?
A survey shows that the total purchase expenditure accounts for about 55% of the sales revenue. The quality of enterprise procurement directly affects the level of enterprise management. Only professional, rigorous and dedicated people can scientifically manage and maximize the value of the 55% of the expenditure, so as to help the enterprise realize its strategy. Therefore, a good purchase for the company has a pivotal position and value. So, what is the most important purchase? Cost, quality, delivery time… Are all very important, so […]

What are the levels of business financial integration?
In recent years, a fashionable and high-frequency term “business finance integration” is often heard in the global financial system. With the development of technology and the test of practice, the industry has different opinions on it. Nevertheless, we can’t deny its mainstream superiority because it represents a major trend in the current global financial development process. Even in the era of digital economy, during the period of enterprise digital transformation, the integration of business and finance has become an indispensable department and an important module […]

Company procurement management system and procurement process
How important is the company’s procurement management system to an enterprise? We just need to see the value of procurement management to the company. Its value can be simply summed up as: reducing costs, improving capital turnover, and helping enterprises to innovate and operate. In order to achieve these values, we must have certain management standards to standardize the work of the company’s purchasing personnel, clarify the rights and responsibilities, strengthen the effective management of purchasing, guarantee the quality of materials, improve efficiency and accuracy, […]

What are the benefits of financial management software for enterprises?
Let’s imagine how sad it will be for an enterprise without financial management software to survive in such a digital era of big data, informatization and cloud computing. With the help of financial management software, Mingming can finish the data in minutes. Even an experienced and skilled financial personnel is expected to be busy for several days, waiting for the head of the Department who makes the analysis and decision-making of the data to wait, and the boss to wait? Even if the boss can […]

How to manage suppliers effectively
Once read “why can Toyota last for a hundred years?”? After reading Toyota’s supplier management model, we can only lament that it is inferior. 》Such an article, which describes Toyota’s supplier management model. In addition to strict requirements for suppliers and strict commitment to suppliers, mutual achievements between Toyota and suppliers are well-known. Perhaps this is the highest level of effective supplier management for enterprises, which is worth learning from. So how to manage the suppliers effectively? Although Toyota model has a certain reference value, […]

Factors influencing the integration of business and Finance
To be subversive or to be subverted has become the two branches in front of many Chinese entrepreneurs. More and more enterprises are worried about being behind the times. More and more enterprises are seeking change and keeping up with the pace of the times. Enterprise digital transformation has become an important symbol, business and financial integration has also become an important breakthrough in the process of enterprise digital transformation, which has been paid more and more attention by decision makers. So is it difficult […]

What are the financial management processes?
With the development of modern technology, financial management has become an evolutor. In the era of big data, financial managers should not only face the competition of the same industry, but also deal with the pressure of the development of external artificial intelligence technology, which can be described as a big pressure mountain. Li Yongyan, President of China Enterprise Financial Management Association once pointed out: “financial management practitioners need to have the ability of high perception, high concept and high innovation. They need to quickly […]



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